News of Baofeng’s newest & latest handheld UHF/VHF Radio, has all of Amateur Radio keying up & queuing up for what looks to be the culmination of the most popular handheld radio around.
Chinese Electronics Manufacturer Baofeng(Pofung), new BF-F8HP dual band handheld radio, offers more transmit power, a new generation chipset, compatibility with existing battery options, and clearer, more understandable instructional documentation.
John Miklor, with his’s website, has been an invaluable web resource on all things Baofeng, and has good things to say in his initial review of this newest model in the Baofeng Radio lineup. “Looks like a New Model BF-F8HP is a true 8 watt handheld. It appears Baofeng/Pofung is listening and moving in the proper direction.”
The Chinese Electronics Manufacturer has taken the US domestic Ham Radio market by storm, offering a line of inexpensive handheld 2 meter & 70CM radios. Based upon SDR technology, Baofeng has taken a domestic business band radio, & adapted it for US Amateur Radio use. The UV-3 & UV-5R & variants are leading the wave in sales of affordable handheld radios, popular not just with Hams, but with the survivalist & prepping movement in the US & abroad.
Features of the BF-F8HP radio are:
- Tri-Power (1, 4, and 8 watt)
- New 2nd Generation chipset
- DTMF keypad issue finally resolved (ABCD is actually ABCD)
- Compatible with AA and 3800mAh battery packs
- 76 Page User Guide
- CHIRP programming software compatible
- New 2nd Generation chipset
- DTMF keypad issue finally resolved (ABCD is actually ABCD)
- Compatible with AA and 3800mAh battery packs
- 76 Page User Guide
- CHIRP programming software compatible
The review shows actual side-by-side power level tests between UV5R, UV82, BFF8+, and F8HP performed using a calibrated Telewave 44A. READ FULL REVIEW HERE
Currently the BF-F8HP is available through Baofeng Tech on