You can survive:
Three minutes without air
Three days without water
Three weeks without food
Just one recent example of the
cost of clean water is the ordeal of the public in Flint Michigan. They had to
fight with the State Government over lead found in the water, after being
switched from Lake Huron to Flint river with known toxic water. After much complaining of brown water, a
pediatrician started checking lead levels in patients and found them to be extremely
high. After much posturing from the
political leaders it was finally admitted that it was a problem. The pipes to their homes are now damaged and
the State Government is now suppling them with bottled water. Inconvenient and costly!
When water is limited or tainted
chaos erupts in an ugly scene.
When water is extremely limited,
don’t eat as water is needed for digestion.
You will need more water than you
think! When you are under stress or cold
you need more water.
1 gallon of water per person per day for drinking and 1 gallon
for sanitation
1 gallon for your pet if it weighs
above 50 lb.
More people die after a disaster
from contaminated water which causes diseases such as e.coli,
dysentery/shigellosis, hepatitis A, viral gastroenteritis, cholera, typhoid,
Just one person handling
sanitation improperly can affect
hundreds or thousands downstream from them!
Fresh water is your most vital
Unexpected predicaments can affect
us: terrible storms, chemical spills,
car troubles, earthquakes, water being shut off from your home, droughts, wells
running dry.
Being prepared is not pessimism
it is the act of optimism!
Storing water
Milk or juice jugs that can cause
bacterial growth.
Containers that are not food
grade. Food grade must have Pet or Pete
on the bottle.
Two liter pop bottles and gallon
water bottle for short term storage. After 6 months water starts to
taste bad. Be sure to clean and sanitize
with 2-3 drops of clorox with water, Then fill with municipal water. If it is chlorinated by the city, it is not necessary to add clorox drops.
For longer storage it is better to store water in the 5 gallon water
containers. Polycarbonate bottle are the most sturdy of the plastics but they
do contain BPA which has proven to be an endocrine disrupter and is a suspected
carcinogen. If it is exposed to high or
freezing temperatures it is a bigger problem.
After 2 weeks it is better to find a better source of water. Be sure to get a pump or siphon hose if
you are storing in a 55 gallon water barrel!
If you are filling up with tap
water you should throughly clean the bottles with dishwashing detergent and
rinse. If you have chlorinated tap water
you don't need to put in bleach.
Water is heavy- one gallon of
water weighs approximately 8.5 lb. so you wouldn’t
want to store anything heavier than a 5 gallon jug if you must lift it.
If you have a warning alert, fill
up you bathtub with water that can be used as cleaning water. A product called
a waterBob can be used to fill in your bathtub with more protection.
if you are using a river, lake,
pond, or stream for water, you must assume that it is not safe to drink.
You must use the following methods
to pre-treat the water.
Settling - letting the sediment
settle to the bottom of the bucket
Pre-filtration by using filters
such as cotton cloth, or terry cloth towel
Purifying water
Boiling water will kill most
pathogens, but will not remove chemicals in water. If your water is contaminated by sewage it
will intensify the nitrates. It will taste better if it is re-oxygenated by
passing the water back and forth.
Chemical treatments
Iodine- can be harmful to
children, pregnant women, people with thyroid conditions. Do not use more than 14 days.
Chlorine treatment-use only unscented
bleach, never use non-chlorine bleach to purify water. Use 10 drops per
quart if water has not been chlorinated.
Let it sit for 30 minutes. The
water should have a slight chorine odor, if not repeat dosage and then let it
sit another 15 minutes. If too strong
let it stand for a few hours.
Filtration and purifiers- simple water filters, mechanical filters, activated
carbon filters
Purchase an activated carbon
filter system that can remove most chemicals and gases
Be sure to trade out the filter
when recommended.
Reverse osmosis is a good companion to the activated carbon filter
because of a special membrane that only lets the water molecules through
trapping the harmful elements
Distillation is when the water is heated up to boiling point and
collects the water vapor as it condenses.
This kills the microbes and takes 4-5 hours to produce 1 gallon.
Heat to a boil for 10 minutes or use a Pressure cooker up to 15 psi
for 5 minutes and then let it cool down normally.
Ultraviolet light does not use chemicals and requires little energy
like a 60 watt bulb. It doesn’t eliminate chemicals or heavy metals. It can be used with a reverse osmosis system.
A Steri pen is an ultraviolet
light that can sterilize water.
UV radiation from sun can be used with crystal clear water. Clear quart-sized mason jars left in the sun
for at least 6 hours will also work.
Gravity filters -such as a Berkey can filter and purify
water. It uses a ionic adsorption
process that combined with micro
filtration which creates a pore structure so minute that contaminates cannot
pass through the chargers filter. There
are small ones like a Sawer mini that
can fit into a backpack and should be in your 72 hour kit.
Do not store distilled water or
reverse osmosis water in plastic. Store it in glass or stainless steel
containers for long term use. Distilled
water is a solvent.
If you store water outside don’t let it get sun exposure, put inside a shed out of
the wind. Don’t fill it up all the way, leave a 4 to 6 inch
space. Remember water freezes from the
outside to inside and will go up.
Emergency sources of water
freezer - ice cube trays
water heater tank- 30-60 gallons
of water
pipes in house
water in toilet tank if desperate-
but not bowl!
swimming pool
streams, rivers, creeks or moving
rainwater Rainsaucers can be
purchased and put over a barrel
ponds, lakes, spring
Master supply list
5 gallon water
jugs and dispensers
baby wipes and
chlorine tablets
like Portable Aqua
Cistern or large
Gatorade and/or
filtration system like Berkey, Platypus, Sawyer, MSR
Hand sanitizer (
60% alcohol)
Hydrogen peroxide
iodine tablets or polar pure (iodine tablets)
Portable water
cooler with spigot
10. RainSaucers
11. Rain water harvesting supplies; storage barrels or
urn, downspouts and leaf screens
12. Reverse osmosis or distillation system or both
13. ultraviolet light water purifier
14. waterBOB for filling up in bathtub
15. water testing kits
16. Cipro antibiotics
17. Cases of bottled water
The Prepper’s water survival guide- Daisy Luther
Jim Phillips-Safe Harbor Alliance
Family Preparedness Handbook-James
Talmage Stevens