
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The terrifying signs of a looming housing crisis

The number of New Yorkers applying for emergency grants to stay in their homes is skyrocketing — as the number of people staying in homeless shelters reached an all-time high last weekend, records show.
There were 82,306 applications for one-time emergency grants to prevent evictions in fiscal 2016, up 26 percent from 65,138 requests the previous year, according to the Mayor’s Management Report.
The city’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
Without the aid — which comes from city funds and was approved in roughly two-thirds of the cases — even more families would likely have entered the shelter system.
“I think the need is as high as it’s been over the past several years in terms of folks not being able to afford New York City,” said Giselle Routhier, policy director at Coalition for the Homeless.
The level of need is echoed in the record number of people seeking shelter at city facilities.
On Sunday, Sept. 18, 59,734 people used the city’s shelter system, a total that eclipsed the record of 59,068 set in 2014, officials said. In fact, at least two other days this month also topped the old mark for homelessness.
Officials at the Department of Homeless Services argue there isn’t a direct correlation between evictions and the homeless-shelter population because people enter the system for numerous reasons, including leaving doubled-up apartments.
And they point out the percentage of households receiving emergency assistance edged up in fiscal 2016 by 2.3 percent — meaning more residents were successfully kept in their homes.
“The shelter population more than doubled in the two decades before this administration took over,” said New York City Housing Authority spokeswoman Lauren Gray.
One bit of positive news: Routhier suggested the increase in grant requests could stem from better outreach efforts by the city about its preventative services.
“This should be good news in terms of preventing more people from entering the shelters in future years,” Routhier said.
But records show the city was able to divert fewer applicants from homeless shelters in fiscal 2016 — 12.6 percent, compared with 16.3 percent the year before.
Both figures are a steep drop from the 28.5 percent of applicants who were kept out of shelters in fiscal 2014.
City officials attributed the declining rate to “the continuing effects of the loss of affordable housing over the past decade.”

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wool Blanket Roll

I have always been fascinated with how survivalist, campers, hikers etc. were able to tuck their survival gear inside a military style wool blanket and then turn it into a pack that can be carried in multiple ways. I have personally had a wool blanket like the one in the video for a very long time and just used a basic roll to attach it to my pack.
A wool blanket can be used in multiple ways. The most obvious is a way to keep warm by fashioning it into a sleeping bag. It can also be used as a coat/poncho, a back pack, a lean to, an insulated cushioned seat, cordage or even a water filter. (Note: As a water filter that simply means to filter out debris, not diseases or parasites that may lurk in the water.)
In the video posted below, produced by BlackOracle69, he will show us all how to easily roll and tie down a compact pack using only the blanket. The items he rolls into the back are your very basic needs. A tarp shelter, a cooking pot and fire starter, some dry socks, a bandana, a light, para-cord, and a hammock. He shows the placement of each item and how to fold a pocket to keep things you might need, such as a fire starter or dry socks, accessible without undoing the blanket.
I hope you enjoy the video and please feel free to leave comments below.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

FINANCIAL MARKETS The Coming Storm for Global Financial Markets

Global growth is weak, and will be eroded further by Brexit. Oil prices are low, and likely to plunge further. The world has excess capacity and a wage-depressing labor surplus. Corporate profits are shaky. And deflation is laying bare the impotence of central banks. So where would you logically expect financial markets to be going, given that economic, financial and political environment?
You’d expect to see increased demand for safe-haven U.S. Treasuries, a soaring dollar, falling commodity prices, and increasing investor aversion to junk bonds, emerging market debt and equities and other low-quality securities. But that’s not the case.
The 10-year Treasury yield has been flat for months, as has the dollar against the euro. Commodity prices in general and oil in particular have risen this year. Money has poured into emerging market bonds as well as junk bonds, depressing their yields. How can current security prices be justified in the face of the fundamental picture, at least as I see it?
Well, maybe they can't. The most likely outcome to my mind is a major market correction to bring prices back into line with economic fundamentals. Distortions such as negative interest rates and slow economic growth in the face of super-aggressive monetary policies in many countries suggest that things are way out of alignment, and that the resolution may be a very painful process, and a big shock for many market participants.  
Nevertheless, there may be some forces at work that might help explain current market conditions even if they don't justify valuations, which in turn could lessen the blow of an abrupt reversal.
U.S. stocks may still be cheap despite historically high price/earnings ratios. Looking at dividend yields on the S&P 500 index against those available on 10-year government debt, equities remain attractive:

If the dividend yields dropped to match the Treasury yield, the price/earnings ratio of the S&P would be closer to 63 than its current level of about 20. Following this logic, stocks are arguably undervalued by more than 60 percent.
Investors may also take comfort once the U.S. presidential election is settled with a win for Hillary Clinton. Despite all of her baggage of dishonesty, raw ambition and pandering for votes, she’s the devil they know -- and maybe preferable to Donald Trump, the devil they’ve yet to see in action.
There's also the prospect of a fiscal stimulus program to revive growth. With even central bankers tacitly admitting that monetary policy has failed to generate meaningful economic growth, the pressure on politicians to do their bit will grow, in the euro zone as well as the U.S.
Once a new President is in place, infrastructure spending might be a feasible middle ground for both political parties. The U.S. certainly needs major refurbishing and expansion of roads, bridges, public transportation and other infrastructure. The most recent Global Competitiveness Ranking from the World Economic Forum rates the U.S. third overall in competitiveness but 13th for infrastructure quality as a whole, 14th for roads, 15th for railroads and 16th for electricity supply system. It’s estimated that aging roads and bridges are costing an extra $377 annually per driver. Infrastructure spending would not only create jobs and economic activity but also enhance lagging productivity.
The National Association of Manufacturers calls for major infrastructure spending of $100 billion per year for each of the next three years. It noted that outlays grew 2.2 percent per year between 1956 and 2003, but fell 1.2 percent annually from 2003 through 2012. Total spending for roads and streets fell 19% between 2003 and 2012.
Even if the political climate improves after the election, and the spending taps are turned on in the U.S., investors may still be too relaxed about the outlook. The VIX index, a measure of expected future stock market volatility, remains at historically low levels. The S&P 500 index is up about 6.2 percent this year.
But Europe offers an example of what might happen if things reverse. The region's benchmark Stoxx 600 index is down more than 5 percent this year, erasing almost all of 2015's gains. In this environment, investors should hold universally-large cash positions until there's a clearer picture of what comes next.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Complete Water Analysis Test Kit / APN Product Review

It’s not often when worry is put to rest, especially when it comes from playing in water.
A prime reason I chose my home was because it had a Water Well, a key item in maintaining independence from outside resource. Without need of a municipal water supply, I can live on my property without worry of  water suddenly not being available. I only then needed to worry about it being drinkable.

Test Assured’s Complete Water Analysis Test Kit
That’s why I took on the task of doing a review of Test Assured’s Complete Water Analysis Test Kit with enthusiasm.  I knew I had good tasting well water at my taps, but all the same, I wanted to know chemically how well my well water really was.(Say that 5 times fast.) Most importantly, I wanted to put to rest worries that there could be something in it that could potentially make me sick.
If you can follow directions how to mix cake batter, you can do all of the tests without messy eggs, butter, milk & stuff. It’s simply fill a vial, dip in a test strip & compare colors from a chart. If I can do it, you can too.
The Complete Water Analysis Test Kit  is 10 tests in one.  Ten of the most common contaminants you need to be concerned about if you intend to use water to drink, cook or bathe.
Alkalinity: Water with low alkalinity can be corrosive and irritate eyes. Water with high alkalinity has a soda-like taste, dries out skin and causes scaling on fixtures and plumbing.
Hardness: The amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Hard water is high in dissolved minerals. When using hard water, more soap or detergent is needed to get things clean, be it your hands, hair, or your laundry.
pH: An index of the amount of hydrogen ions (H-) in the water. When water has a pH that is too low, it can lead to corrosion and pitting of pipes in plumbing and distribution systems.
Chlorine: A highly efficient disinfectant added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens. But too much of a good thing is not necessarily good. Too much can burn & kill.
Copper: Reddish metal that occurs naturally in rock, soil, water, sediment, and air. New copper pipes leech copper into water which can be harmful for babies. Older pipes not so much, because of the natural patina that develops on the metal surface.
Iron: Water high in iron may taste metallic, be discolored and appear brownish, Iron leaves red or orange rust stains in the sink, toilet, bathtub or shower.
Nitrates & Nitrites: Naturally occurring chemicals made of nitrogen and oxygen. The primary health hazard occurs when nitrate is transformed to nitrite in the digestive system. The nitrite oxidizes the iron in red blood cells to form methemoglobin, which lacks the oxygen-carrying ability of hemoglobin. Too much nitrate & nitrites in drinking water can cause serious health problems for young infants.
Lead: If you don’t already know how dangerous consuming lead is, go back to eating your paint chips. Lead poisoning is a real concern with older homes with leaded plumbing.
Pesticides: Commonly caused by ground water contamination. Just where do you think the bug spray your neighbor uses winds up?
Bacteria: The most worrisome fear,  pathogens in your water that can make you REALLY sick. This test requires 48 hours for results.
The testing was easy to do. The kit is packaged well & clear in it’s instructions. It makes me wonder if this is EXACTLY what is used by “Professional Water Testers” who charge $$$ for the convenience.
Is it worth it? 
The results largely confirmed what I already knew… I have safe, clean well water.
Test results showed that my water is clear of Chlorine, Iron, Nitrates, Nitrites, Copper, Pesticides or Lead. Further, (and most importantly), my water is Bacteria Free.
The test kit did show that Alkalinity is right in the target range for drinking water at 80 to 120 ppm. (parts per million). Hardness, in the moderate to hard side, with approximately 100 to 200 ppm. And the pH right in the ideal range of 6.5 to 8, (7 being neutral).
The bottom line… A water softener could be a smart purchase, otherwise I should fill a tall glass & toast myself for having good water coming from my well.
I highly recommend getting the kit. Get several, since each kit is single use. It’s pretty smart to test your drinking water whenever large weather events occur, which can effect your regional water supply. Or if you travel, and want to be sure the water that’s available is safe.
I suppose I could get an independent lab do the same tests for comparative results. But unless folks buy a kit or two from this AMAZON LINK, I don’t see me shelling out the $$$ for that. However, just by testing regularly once a year, I can determine what may have changed. The kit makes doing that very affordable. (Way cheaper than hiring it done)
Add the Complete Water Analysis Test Kit  to your Prepper Needs List.  If you seek to know just the Lead content, Test Assured offers a separate test kit for that as well.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Solar Generators Vs Fuel Generators

In the past 10 years, many companies have tried to develop a new way of powering our lives. Most of them have placed their bets on solar energy. Sun provides so much energy in one minute that it can power the entire Earth for one year. Learning to harness that energy would bring so many changes, starting with the cost of electricity bills. But are solar generators the future, and can they replace fuel generators? Which one is better and provides more energy? Let us break it down and judge them based on their performances.

“Free energy”

The concept of free energy is pretty simple. Sun is there for a reason, and we might as well utilize some of its energy. There are plenty of reasons one should install solar panels: they will generate so much energy in the upcoming years that you will never have to pay for electricity again. Yes, they can be a bit expensive to start with, but the prices of solar panels are dropping every year and very soon they will be available even for the “common people”.

Solar generators rock!

These little wonders are very simple to use. Just place them somewhere safe, and let their photo-voltaic (PV) panels do all the work. The PV panels will transform the sunlight into electricity and send it to be stored inside the batteries to be used later. Once the batteries are full, the inverter will take direct electricity (DC) and convert it into alternative electricity (AC). If you are up camping in the wild, you can use these and get all the electricity needed for powering your favorite gadgets, charging your phone and even some more complicated devices. On top of all that, they are Eco-friendly and will not release any chemicals or gases. Your home value will skyrocket and if you ever decide to sell it, buyers will offer more only for the solar panels and generators.

Their performance compared to fuel generators

Yes, fuel generators are known to produce electricity a bit faster, but they require much more to start with. They require fuel to power the generators without which they are useless. In case you go out of fuel, you will also be left without electricity. Another downside of fuel generators is that they create a lot of pollution by releasing chemicals in the air. They are portable just like solar generators, but their function depends on having enough fuel to power them.

Preppers choose solar power

Since the technology is developing so fast, preppers can now safely rely solely on solar power. Designs such as goal zero yeti 400 generators have proven to be more than enough to power an entire house in case something “unexpected” happens. There is a chance that one day, something bad may happen to the world. It could be a nuclear strike, a zombie apocalypse or a virus outbreak. If that occurs, electricity will be almost unaffordable and the only remaining source of energy will be the Sun. So we might as well prepare?

Time to go solar

If you haven’t done it by now, do it as fast as you can. It will most likely be the most reliable source of energy in the near future and it will save you a lot of money if you invest now. With solar panels and grids set, you can become completely energy independent. Yes, there will be days when the clouds will cover the sky and you will collect less energy, but the Sun as we know it won’t leave us any time soon.
Verdict: fuel generators are old fashioned. Yes, they also collect and produce energy but free will always be better than the one you have to pay for.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Do You Know How to build a stealth shelter?

One of the best ways to get away and be at one with nature is to build a stealth shelter in the forest. Not only are you putting yourself in the most isolated place possible, but you are also aiming to be invisible there. It’s super exciting, and pretty difficult to do this without a little bit a guidance. So here are a few simple tips to make your wilderness getaway one that only you will know about:

Be discreet

The first rule of successful stealth camping is to be as discreet as possible. To disappear in the forest with success, try the following:
  • Get away from the beaten track and as far out of sight from civilization as possible.
  • Keep the noise down.
  • Don’t bring loads of friends!
  • Use your flashlight as little as possible.
  • If you are having a fire, then keep it small and assess the amount of smoke and glow that it creates.
  • Don’t outstay your welcome in the same spot – move to a new spot each night.

Choose the right camping spot

Find a clearing in the forest where the floor is clear of vegetation and woodland debris, and if possible choose a place to sleep that is in a dip or behind some rocks. This will put you out of sight from passers-by, and it will also provide shelter if the wind picks up. With this in mind, check the stability of the trees you are sleeping under. You don’t want branches falling onto you in a gale.
Choosing a spot that is close to water is great for an easy access drinking supply, providing you use the right water purification method to make the water safe to drink. However, being too close to water can pose some problems. Bugs can be one issue, but also the potential for flash floods can be a problem too. So make sure you set camp uphill of the water and away from a gully where water levels can rise dangerously fast.
If you have been really discreet in choosing a great spot for stealth camping, then you should struggle to find it again if you walk away from it! So it’s a good idea to leave yourself some markers on the forest floor to get you back to base if necessary.

Bring the right gear

Most stealth campers like to keep things simple and go as light as possible with their gear. This makes it nice and easy to get moving quickly to an alternative camping spot. Bring a lightweight backpacking tent that is small and not bright red or orange. Or go without a tent altogether and put up a hammock and tarp for an even more versatile and mobile setup. This way, you won’t need a sleeping pad (if the temperature isn’t too low), just a good 3-season sleeping bag to snuggle up in.
Bringing a mosquito net will be essential in certain locations, so make sure you get some local advice on this before you go. And of course don’t forget a lightweight camping stove to cook up a feast on.

How to set up your stealth campsite

Once you have found the perfect spot to disappear in, your main priority is setting up your shelter. If bad weather is looming then it’s essential that you have a place to shelter yourself in and all your stuff. Take your time over staking your guy lines out properly and securely. If the ground is soft then you may need to use trees or rocks to help with this.
If you are in bear country, then ensuring you have your food stored in a bear-resistant food cache is essential. The bag should be over 100 yards from your tent, suspended 10-15 feet off the ground and at least 4 feet from each vertical support. Make sure you put all your cooking utensils and pots in this bag too. Once again, your tent is up then set up this bag as soon as possible.
If you are building a fire, then then you will want to gather some wood. Set your fire a few yards away and upwind of your tent to prevent sparks from flying or smoke polluting your sleeping space when you light it. If possible, it’s a good idea to wait until after dark to light it up so that the smoke will be less easily spotted.

Leave no trace

As with any activity in our wonderful outdoor playground, leaving no trace is an essential part of stealth camping:
  • Take a back packers shovel and make sure you dig a deep hole away from any water sources for your toilet stops.
  • If you have a fire then bury the ashes and cover over any burn marks in the soil.
  • Take all your rubbish with you.
  • Use biodegradable soap or washing up liquid.

With all that in mind, you should be well setup to disappear in nature. And if you do it well enough, then stealth camping in the forest will also provide some fantastic opportunities to watch the wildlife of the forest unfold around you as the sun sets and stars come out.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Employment and Finance -- Dollars and Sense The Biggest Retirement Mistake People Make

According to an annual study by Fidelity Investments, 65 year-old’s need $130,000 per person just to cover the costs of healthcare until death.  This includes such things as the cost of medications, Medicare premiums, co-payments, eyeglasses, and hearing aids.  This estimate is18% higher than it was just 2 years ago, primarily due to increases in drug costs.  This $130,000 does NOT include long-term care, home health or nursing home costs, which can be in excess of $7,000 per month.

This healthcare dilemma is just one of the reasons Bloomberg News states that retiring too early is the biggest retirement mistake people make. Postponing taking Social Security until age 70 provides 76% higher payments than if benefits are started at age 62. In addition, 60% of Americans actually want to work past age 65. Continuing to work can be fulfilling.  Many who continue to work past age 65 say they do it not for financial reasons but because they like to work.  However, 40% of Americans retire for unexpected health reasons.

Age 65 may seem like a long way off for some of you, and therefore this information may not appear relevant.  However, having passed age 65, I can tell you that it comes much faster than you can imagine.  Age 40 is certainly not too early to begin serious consideration of these issues, in order to have the most choices available to you.  In addition, the time to start saving for retirement is NOW, regardless of your age.

“If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”  D&C 38:30

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,932,000

September 2, 2016 | 9:01 AM EDT 

(CNSNews.com) - Government employees in the United States outnumber manufacturing employees by 9,932,000, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Federal, state and local government employed 22,213,000 people in August, while the manufacturing sector employed 12,281,000.
The BLS has published seasonally-adjusted month-by-month employment data for both government and manufacturing going back to 1939. For half a century—from January 1939 through July 1989—manufacturing employment always exceeded government employment in the United States, according to these numbers.
Then, in August 1989, the seasonally-adjusted employment numbers for government exceeded the employment numbers for manufacturing for the first time. That month, manufacturing employed 17,964,000 and government employed 17,989,000.
Manufacturing employment in the United States had peaked a decade before that in June 1979 at 19,553,000
From August 2015 and and August 2016 seasonally-adjusted manufacturing employment declined by 37,000--dropping from 12,318,000 last August to 12,281,000 this August.
The 22,213,000 government employees in August, according to the BLS, included 2,790,000 federal employees, 5,120,000 state government employees, and 14,303,000 local government employees.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Employment and Finance -- Dollars and Sense The Biggest Retirement Mistake People Make

According to an annual study by Fidelity Investments, 65 year-old’s need $130,000 per person just to cover the costs of healthcare until death.  This includes such things as the cost of medications, Medicare premiums, co-payments, eyeglasses, and hearing aids.  This estimate is18% higher than it was just 2 years ago, primarily due to increases in drug costs.  This $130,000 does NOT include long-term care, home health or nursing home costs, which can be in excess of $7,000 per month.

This healthcare dilemma is just one of the reasons Bloomberg News states that retiring too early is the biggest retirement mistake people make. Postponing taking Social Security until age 70 provides 76% higher payments than if benefits are started at age 62. In addition, 60% of Americans actually want to work past age 65. Continuing to work can be fulfilling.  Many who continue to work past age 65 say they do it not for financial reasons but because they like to work.  However, 40% of Americans retire for unexpected health reasons.

Age 65 may seem like a long way off for some of you, and therefore this information may not appear relevant.  However, having passed age 65, I can tell you that it comes much faster than you can imagine.  Age 40 is certainly not too early to begin serious consideration of these issues, in order to have the most choices available to you.  In addition, the time to start saving for retirement is NOW, regardless of your age.

“If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”  D&C 38:30