Dear District Emergency Coordinators,
We are continuously stressing the importance of CERT trainings and having trained individuals in your districts, but we now have a fun opportunity for the Boy Scouts in your district to participate and see the importance of CERT. Requirement 7a of the Boy Scout Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge is: “Take place in an emergency service project, either a real one or a practice drill, with a Scouting or community agency.”
On Saturday Nov 12, 2016 we are having a Mock Disaster for the CERT students that are just finishing their 8 week class. It would be a great time for the boys to meet the emergency preparedness requirement and we could use their help. We would like the scouts to be "disaster victims." Having live, interactive victims makes it much more real for the CERTs and improves their learning experience. Being a victim is also a great way to learn, both scouts and adults often comment about how much they have learned from being a victim and watching the rescue teams.
Here are the details of the Mock Disaster that the Scouts should know:
We have limited “victim” spots available and RSVPing is required.
The disaster will be Saturday, Nov 12 and will be at the Woods Cross Public Works Complex on the NW corner of Redwood Road and 1500 South. The entrance is located off of 1500 South. “Victims” should be there by 9:00. They will have moulage applied to look like they have real injuries. The moulage injuries combined with the acting that the Scouts do will make very realistic patients for the new the CERTs to practice on. Scouts should wear older clothes that they don’t mind getting a little “bloody” (no uniforms) but also need to dress warmly enough for the conditions. If they wear some old clothes that they don’t mind being completely ruined then they can have the best “injuries”. They will be in an unheated garage most of the time but also outside part of the time. They will be done by about 12:30 pm. Scouts who have done this in the past have always enjoyed it and always want to do it again even after getting emergency preparedness merit badge!
It is necessary to have a parent or scout leader come with each group of Scouts to make sure they are doing OK and to help supervise them. Occasionally, youth find the blood, chaos and injuries traumatic even if it is not real. Also, although the disaster will be simulated it will occur in a working public works building that has real hazards such as machinery, tools and chemicals. The adults can be victims too and play the part of concerned parent demanding CERT students care for their child. It’s fun for everyone.
We would appreciate your passing this information on to your Stake Boy Scout leaders. We only have room for 20 victims in this scenario and the first to RSVP will have reserved spots. The next exercise we have after this one will be March 25th. To RSVP or if you have any questions please email Rob Hunter, .
Thank you for your help.
Rob Hunter
Bountiful CERT Coordinator
Bountiful CERT Coordinator
PS, Thank you for all of your efforts to help Bountiful become better prepared!