
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

PrepperCon 2018 May 2018

PrepperCon is one of the nation's largest (if not the largest) preparedness and survival expos. All these under one roof: preparedness fundamentals; self-defense solutions; firearms; survival skills; food and water storage; alternative power; first aid and medical;homesteading, advanced training and much more! This is a fun and electric event (the ComicCon of prepper events). Meet TV and film celebrity speakers, join entertaining panel discussions and learn from over 80 educational classes! Are you prepared yet?

WHEN:May 18, 2018 - May 19, 2018
Friday, 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Saturday, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

WHERE:South Towne Expo Center
9575 State Street
Sandy, Utah 84070

INFO:Click here for show website.
Contact: Nannette Hansen
Phone: 801-661-4990
Have a question about this show?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Vernal Preparedness Expo

Come learn everything from self defense to creating an herbal first aid kit to healthy home storage for families. Some of the best experts in their field from all over the country come out to the Vernal Preparedness Expo to present to this incredible crowd. Past presenters include Tim Ralston from Nat Geo's Doomsday Preppers and Joel Skousen from World Affairs Brief. 

WHEN:Jan 27, 2018 - Jan 27, 2018
8 am- 7 pm

WHERE:Uintah Conference Center
313 East 200 South
Vernal, Utah 84078

INFO:Click here for show website.
Contact: Julie May
Phone: 4355924742
Have a question about this show?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Earthquake Preparedness Tips and Guidelines

Earthquake PreEaparedness Tips and GuidelinesWith the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal, there is a need to address the issue of earthquake preparedness and what that entails. There are certain myths surrounding earthquakes that have been drilled into our heads that need to be dispelled so you can possibly survive such a natural disaster without placing yourself in danger without a point. The following will explain some details and what you can do to deal with them before, during and after an earthquake:
  • Doorways are not really stronger than the rest of your structure, so you should avoid using them for protection. The best you can hope for during an earthquake is to find a good piece of furniture and hold on to it, which would help in most cases, but the most severe earthquakes.
  • You need to be intimately aware of any earthquake safety plans, fire evacuation routes and more in the building you inhabit, especially if you live in a quake-prone area.
  • Pick safe zones in each room around your home, school or workplace. Safe zones would be somewhere under sturdy furniture pieces, an interior wall well away from windows with your head and neck in your hands, away from bookcases or any tall furniture that may end up falling on you.
  • Keep a pair of sturdy shoes and a flashlight nearby just in case you deal with a quake in the middle of the night.
  • You will need to make sure heavier items such as mirrors and pictures are kept away from places where people sit or sleep. Bolt your cabinets and other taller pieces of furniture to the walls to keep them safe from falling.
  • You would do well to shut off your gas valves when you’re not using them and to do so rapidly during a quake to keep yourself safe. Only one spark is needed for instant inferno, so keep your tools nearby in a quake-prone area.
  • Prepare emergency supplies in an easy to find and safe zone away from your home in case of a building collapse.
  • Keep in mind that aftershocks are a strong possibility after an earthquake, so you would do well to be prepared for them, as well as landslides and tsunamis if you live close to the beach.
  • Each time you feel an aftershock happening, you will need to drop and cover regardless of how weak it may seem at first.
  • Put on long-sleeved shirts and long pants, as well as a pair of strong shoes and work gloves plus a safety helmet if you have one. The danger of falling objects after an earthquake is ever present, so you would do well to keep yourself as safe as you can.
  • Have a portable hand-crank radio to listen for emergency information and updates.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

What To Do If You Are Ever Caught In An Earthquake

Most people aren’t familiar with earthquake protocol, which can mean that total panic ensues. Educate yourself about what to do if you feel the earth start to shake, so that you can be as safe as possible.

Have Control Over Yourself

Sudden and dramatic movement of the ground beneath you is very disorienting, to say the least. Try to remain calm in order to be able to think clearly. Be aware of the type of building you are in, where you are located in it and where the general way out is. Take immediate action, even if the tremors cease.

Find Sturdy Cover If You Are Inside During An Earthquake

Don’t try running outside, despite the natural inclination to flee. Instead, look for something solid to crawl under, like a metal desk, a table or even a doorway if that’s all there is available. Get low to the floor and place your arms over your head and face for protection. If there is no furniture in your vicinity and you are in a tall building such as a skyscraper, get to the inner walls as quickly as you can. Remember to protect your head with your arms and crouch to avoid falling debris.

Head For Clear Ground When Outdoors

If you are caught in an earthquake while you are outside, get as far away from structures and trees as you can. Don’t assume it’s safe to seek shelter under a mighty oak either, as the ground opening up can easily tear the roots up on the sturdiest of trees. Beware of falling glass from any building, as this is a leading cause of harm. Run as fast as possible away from them without giving a thought to any personal belongings. Until you are out of the danger zone, your only concern should be that of your personal safety and of anyone with you.

If You Are In Your Car When It Strikes

An earthquake may fell like a large truck passing close by when you are in your vehicle. If you suspect an earthquake, safely slow down until you can make a more accurate assessment of the situation. Once your suspicions are confirmed, pull over, but avoid doing so near any telephone poles or power lines. Also, in the event that you are located on any kind of overpass or bridge, drive off of it to solid ground immediately. Park in a clearing if you can and turn the car’s radio on to get an update on what’s going on.

Shopping Malls, Restaurants And Movie Theaters

You could be anywhere when an earthquake occurs, but the logic behind your response is basically the same no matter what your location. Crouch down to protect yourself while covering your head underneath something that can absorb the impact of falling debris. Remember that even during a minor earthquake, items will fall from shelves that can seriously hurt you. Fixtures may also fall right out of the ceiling. While it may be difficult to fight your urge to vacate the building, seeking instant cover is your best course of action.

When It’s Over

You’ve probably heard of after shocks and know that they can be just as life-threatening as an earthquake itself. Because of this, it’s essential that you quickly analyze your situation and position and relocate to a safer location at once. Since damage has already been done to buildings, trees and other surroundings, the slightest vibration could cause catastrophe. Follow the instructions of emergency response professionals or get on your phone with 911. Do not assume you are safe simply because the earthquake appears to have subside; take every precaution for yourself and others until there is no doubt at all.
Earthquakes come in all sizes and strengths. Depending on where you happen to be, the instantaneous decisions you make may very well save your life or the lives of others. Know what to do well in advance and remember to keep your cool.

Monday, November 20, 2017

My Church

"Behold, this is my doctrine—whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church. Whosoever declareth more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me; therefore he is not of my church." 
(D&C 10:67-68.)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Grid Down: Heart & Blood Pressure Care

It is important to realize and understand that if we ever have a grid down situation or some sort of natural disaster that prevented us from getting our medication, a lot of people will die. Diabetics, epileptics, anyone with heart disease. You name it. So what can you learn and put into play that will help you with the disability that you have?

Well we can help with that! Below we have another cheerful video by ThePatriotNurse.  She talks about what sorts of herbal medicine will help with your heart health and in possible emergencies. She gives a brief crash course on how the heart works and all the vessels. Her description simplifies the basic way the heart works.
Neglect of the body over time can manifest into high blood pressure and different kinds of arrhythmia. So what happens if we no longer have pills and medicine to help us out? She talks about different herbs you can incorporate into your daily routine easily and store some for grid down. Cayenne, Garlic, Hawthorn Berries, and Ginger plus tons more than can help you all through life.
Patriot Nurse shares with us her four “must have” books. (Listed at the bottom of the page.) Reference books can always be helpful and beneficial in assisting you in an emergency.
We hope you enjoy watching ThePatriotNurse. Please feel free to comment and share your knowledge with fellow preppers

Grid Down: Heart & Blood Pressure Care

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

How to Survive an Urban Environment

Rudy Reyes,a recon marine demonstrates the skills needed to stay alive after Armageddon inside an urban environment.
“When society breaks down people will be desperate, they’ll be hungry, they’ll be disoriented. If they see you, they’ll want to fight you for what you’ve got. So you’ve got to blend. In and out of the city.”
Many preppers and survivalist focus on how to make it in the woods. While these are very important skills to learn, so is surviving in the city and learning how to maneuver in and out in a way you won’t get caught. It is very apparent in this video how important health and fitness are as well in survival. Consider assessing what you can do to better your chances of survival in the city.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

5 Water Storage Tips Everyone Should Know

water storage tips fallout shelter container
Tip #1 Know Your Containers
Not all containers are created equal. Whether the container you wish to store water in is something you can place in your Bug Out Bag, or bury underground at your retreat, the material that it made from is as important as the purity of the water it holds.
Plastics that are safe to store water in must be food grade safe, on the outside of the containers there should be a recycling symbol (triangle of arrows), which has within it a number between 1 and 7. Food grades are 1, 2, 4, and 5. (Although some bio-plastics are also food grade and marked with a 7, unless you know the container is meant for food do not trust it, as not all number 7 stamps mean they are safe for food). The best food grade containers made of plastic are marked with a number 2, as this is High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic. The others are PETE (#1), LDPE(#4), and polypropylene (PP/#5).1
If you are recycling old containers be careful not to use old milk jugs, or cardboard type juice boxes. Milk proteins and Juice particulars are almost never removed completely by washing and it is best to go with a new container for long term storage.

Not even all glass containers are the same. Some glass used to store chemicals originally would not be considered food safe, let alone safe to store water. Glass can break, crack due to freezing, and even end up with tiny flaws from use inside which might trap contaminates.
water storage tips - mason jarsBorosilicate glass (trademark name Pyrex) is likely one of the best forms of glassware to store food and water in as it can take temperature ranges and even has some resistance to breakage. Watch out for soda-lime based glass that calls itself Pyrex as it is not heat resistant. One example is Mason jars, and jars that look like mason jars but cannot be pressure canned.

Stainless Steel Tank:

If you plan on collecting your water from rain run off, the best way is is store it in a stainless steal tank. They generally have a 40 year life span, and they tend to actually cost less over the lifetime of the tank compared to other storage systems. Stainless Steal is best for Water Storage systems.

Tip #2 Preserve Your Water

Water from the kitchen sink tap might not need anything added to it to store it. If your municipality water supply adds chlorine to the mix store the water as is works. If however you have ‘clean’ water, without additives, you will need to add the chlorine yourself. Add two drops, of non-scented chlorine bleach to every 2 litres of water, make sure it is also non-additive as well. When you need to use the water, let it stand open for 30 minutes before drinking. You should be able to smell the chlorine in the water when you add it, if you don’t add another two drops, but remember to wait an additional 15 minutes of airing the bottle before use. Be sure to read the label when purchasing chlorine for this use, 5.35% chlorine content is best for calculating your needs. Chlorine bleach will kill mostbacteria causing diseases.
Storing the chlorine itself is another issue. Chlorine should be stored between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, after a year of storage, it starts to degrade by approximately 20% per year to salts and water. If the chlorine source you are using is 6% sodium hypochlorite, you should replace it after 3 months of storage.
Calcium Hypochlorite:
Calcium Hypochlorite is actually better for storing water then using liquid bleach, because of it’s longer shelf life. It is generally sold in two forms, dry and hydrated. Although the hydrated is safer to handle the dry granular can have an indefinite shelf life (a yellow white solid which has a strong smell of chlorine). It can be purchased by the common name as “pool shock”.
The thing to watch for when buying pool shock is if they add anti-scaling agents (water softeners), you want a 68%-78% calcium hypochlorite without the water softeners added, although calcium chloride is often added as well.
One pound of granular Calcium Hypochlorite will treat up to ten thousand gallons of water (37854.1 litres). The process is rather simple. First you make a solution of the Calcium Hypochlorite(approximately 1 teaspoon) to two gallons of waters (8 litres). Do not drink the solution! The ratio for stored water is 1:100, one part solution to 100 parts water.
Added Note: Calcium Hypochlorite can also be used to make Chloroform, but that’s another topic.
The first thing that must be mentioned about using iodine is that some people are allergic to it, some people who are allergic to shellfish are also allergic to iodine. Second, using iodine is more effective as a point-of-use method for stored water where your not 100% sure it was stored correctly. Potable Aqua Water Treatment Tablets should be stored nearby, or in your bug out bag. I include it here as a fall back method. Iodine purification works best with the water temperature being over 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and the iodine itself must be stored in a dark bottle away from UV sources such as direct sunlight as it is sensitive. Persons with thyroid problems or on lithum, women over fifty, and pregnant women should consult their physician prior to using iodine for purification. Iodine removes/kills Giardia lamblia better then bleach.2 Giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan parasite that colonizes and reproduces in the small intestine, causing giardiasis.3
Useage: Liquid 2% Tincture of Iodine Add 5 drops per quart when the water is clear. Add 10 drops per quart when the water is cloudy. Iodine kills microbes down to 0.004 microns!

Tip #3 Where you store is important.

Keeping safe drinking water in a proper place is as important, as storing the water correctly in the containers. Dark closets are better then garages where the sunlight hits the containers, as some plastic containers degrade faster when exposed to sunlight, as well as methods such as chlorine are also effected by the same UV rays. You might also want to consider the construction of the area the water is stored in, is it safe there from an earthquake or fire?

Tip #4 Water should be replaced every six months.

Even bottled water from the store has a shelf life, but home made stored water can have small amounts of contaminates which can have a compounded effect over time. Keep track of your preps and rotate them, including the water and methods used for your water supply.

Tip #5 More than just drinking

You need more water than just for safe drinking supply, you need to bathe, clean surfaces and utentiles, cookware needs to be maintained, and even need sterile water for first air. Take stock of the water you use on a day to day basis so that you have a better understanding of what you use when there isn’t a crisis, so that you are better prepared when there is one.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Purifying water in a survival situation

Post by Crusis
First of all:
If you go to Mexico, don’t drink the water!
If you come to Colorado or live here, don’t drink the water that isn’t treated.
The water here can contain disease causing organisms, parasites, or chemicals. Possibly toxins from mines. Giardia lamblia is an intestinal parasite that is common to Colorado waterways.
There are different ways to purify the water you drink from a stream, lake, pond, or surface spring though.
Boil water for 5 minutes + 1 minute for every 1000 feet above sea level. This is because the pressure is less the higher you go, which reduces the boiling temperature of water. Since it is boiling at a lower temp, you have to add time to the boiling process to get it sufficiently hot enough for long enough to kill any living organisms in it. You might just toss a few more minutes on the total anyway because safe is far better than sorry.
If you have plastic and a container, you can make a solar still. I am not going into details here, but we have a lot of Sun in Colorado so this is a really good way to accomplish your goal of clean water. Do your research, and if you’re heading out into the mountains or high desert you should consider having the supplies for this especially if you’re in a vehicle and don’t have to carry the weight.
Water Tabs:
Drop one in, wait the time indicated on the instructions, drink. Simple, easy to carry, and convenient for short trips. You may want to learn other methods, though, as your short trip could always become a long trip.
Katadyn makes filters that will purify water.   While not a permanent solution like boiling and a still, it will certainly give you water quickly if you’re traveling.
Don’t forget to consider the unconventional methods of getting water.
Plants, either by squeezing out their moisture or by a ‘tree still’, which is just a plastic bag over a section of leaves. Heat will make the leaves expire moisture into the bag which will then collect in the bottom.
Dew. Take rag. Soak up dew. Wring out in container or mouth.
Snow. Never eat snow straight. You must heat it to keep from lowering your internal body temperature. You can pack a container and store it under your coat until it’s heated or use a fire, but your core temp must stay as close to 98.6 as possible. If it goes lower you are heading toward trouble. If you’re in snow you’re probably already in a situation where hypothermia is a concern, so don’t aggravate the situation by eating cold snow.
Digging. You may find water digging in the lower areas or in washes. Particularly in the high desert. Look for green plants in numbers, and dig at a lower point in that area.
Urine. As a last resort, don’t forget the supply you carry. It makes me want to gag to think about it, but you can consume your own urine at least once. Don’t forget to share with your friends!
Herbivore feces. I saw Bear Grillz do it, if I’m desperate I’ll try it myself. Grab a big cow pie, wring it out, and boil the water. Good luck!
That’s all I have. What did I forget? Coming from Indiana where water was often abundant enough to be a problem in overabundance instead of a serious concern as a missing necessity, it took me a little while to realize I should probably know how to get water here. In Indiana you go to the nearest stream, probably within a few hills, and get what you want. You still treat it, of course, but I can think of a lot of times as a stupid kid that I drank straight out of a stream while mushroom hunting or just messing around in the woods. Here, you might not find a stream easily. Get water where you find it. It’s worth taking time out to make sure your supply is topped off if you find it while traveling.
Your survival without food is likely measured in weeks. Your survival without water is likely a couple of days, especially if you’re exerting yourself. Keep your eyes open and drink safe! One thing of note: Only the still method will remove metal and chemical toxins. Never drink water running out of a mine unless you distill it.:

Monday, November 6, 2017

Introduction to a new content series on Water purifying, filtering and collection. Pre-Filtering is discussed at length with an overall introduction to the series.

Friday, November 3, 2017

What To Use When There’s No Toothpaste

Dental Hygiene should be a part of our daily lives and even more important in a survival situation for many reasons. Having access to a Dentist may be a serious challenge in a survival or prepper scenario. How will you maintain oral hygiene when your toothpaste has been exhausted? What will be your alternative methods for brushing your teeth? Do you even know that alternative methods exist and has been existing for 1000’s of years? How’s that for a track record?
What if I told you there was a tree that you could use to take care of your dental hygiene, would that not be something you would be interested in?  There is a tree called the Toothbrush tree and people have been using it for 1000’s of years. The scientific name for this tree is “Salvadora Persica, but you can call it the “Toothbrush tree”. The Salvadora Persica is a small, evergreen shrub or tree that grows in hot, dry conditions in parts of Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula.
Salvadora Persica Tree
The Toothbrush Tree is valued as a medicinal plant since it contains a number of active compounds that promote good dental hygiene and have been shown to reduce tooth decay, plaque and gum disease.
Here are a few noted benefits of this wonderful natural toothbrush:
Miswak or Siwak natural toothbrush
* Kills bacteria that causes gum disease
* Fights plaque effectively.
* Useful and effectiveness for teeth whitening
* Helps reduce tooth decay
* Removes Bad breath and odor from mouth.
* Creates a fragrance in the mouth.
* Massages the gums for healthier teeth.
* Effectively cleans between teeth due to its parallel bristles.
* Increases salivation and hence inhibits dry mouth (Xerostomia)
How To Use It ?
To use the natural toothbrush: Remove the stick from the package and trim or chew the bark off one end of the stick; about a 1/2 inch. Chew on the exposed end until the twig forms bristles. Brush as usual. No toothpaste required. The natural toothbrush will freshen the mouth. Every few days (when bristles look like an old broom) cut off the exposed bristles, peel bark and start anew. The natural toothbrush should be kept in a clean place.