
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Almost half of Americans can't pay for their basic needs

Almost half of Americans can't pay for their basic needs

Despite the U.S. economy being near full employment, 39.4 percent of adults between 18 and 64 years old said they experienced at least one type of material hardship in 2017, according to the study, which surveyed more than 7,500 adults about whether they had trouble paying for housing, utilities, food or health care. 
The findings surprised researchers at the Urban Institute, who had expected to find high levels of hardship among poor Americans but hadn't predicted so many middle-class families would also struggle to meet their basic needs. That may illustrate that a middle-class income "is no guarantee" of protection from hardship, said Michael Karpman, research associate at the Urban Institute's health Policy Center and a co-author of the report. 
Against the backdrop of President Donald Trump's boasting about low unemployment and strong economic growth, the research adds nuance to the problems facing American families. Middle-class households tend to struggle with paying their health care bills rather than utilities, for instance. Health care costs have outpaced wages and inflation, pushing more Americans into high-deductible plans, which can backfire when serious health problems arise. 
"A lot of people are looking at the fact that wages aren't keeping up with household costs as one reason families are having difficulty making ends meet," Karpman said. "Even for families with health insurance, they may be facing high deductibles that leave them facing high costs."

The Urban Institute designed the study last year to get a baseline measure of hardship in anticipation of proposed cutbacks in federal safety-net programs, such as proposals to add work requirements to food stamps and Medicaid. Some states have already moved forward with such plans, such as Maine's work requirement for its food stamp recipients
The idea, Karpman said, is to return to the survey each year to measure how hardship is changing as federal and state policies cut back on support for low-income families. 
"We expect it'll increase the risk that families won't be able to meet their basic needs," he said.


Low-income households reported the highest share of hardship. For instance, more than 40 percent of poor and near-poor adults, or those below and slightly above the federal poverty level, experienced food insecurity, compared with about 23 percent across all income groups. 
Holding a job also doesn't provide immunity to hardship, the study found. One of three families with at least one working adult said they had trouble meeting at least one basic need, such as paying for food or utilities. 

Demographics of hardship

Certain groups are more likely to experience material hardship than others, the study found. 
Minorities report higher rates of hardship than whites, while women are almost 7 percentage points more likely to struggle to meet their basic needs than men. White households tend to earn more money than minority families, while men out-earn women due to the gender wage gap and occupational segregation, meaning men hold a larger share of higher-paying jobs. 

Almost 60 percent of Americans with multiple chronic medical conditions experienced material hardship in 2017, compared with about 33 percent of adults without any chronic illnesses, they found.  
Educational attainment was also tied to hardship. The researchers found that 56 percent of Americans with less than a high school degree struggled to meet their basic needs. By comparison, just 24 percent of college grads experienced hardship. 
"I hope that people will see," said Karpman, "that even though we're in a relatively healthy economy, a lot of families are still having difficulty meeting their basic needs for food, housing and health care."

Monday, August 20, 2018

10 Reason Why You Need Pest Control Experts

House is a very important part of one’s life, it is the place where you feel safe and comfortable. What if you find out invaders in your homes who are dirty, infectious and dangerous? These invaders are in the form of Cockroaches, Termites, Rats, Mice, Wasps, Ants, and Bedbugs. Pest comes in all shapes and sizes. Some pests are dangerous while some are not.

The moment you come to know that you have pest staying in your house, the best thing to do is hire a pest control professional to get your house pest free. Pest is an issue that needs to be treated from its root cause else they don’t go away and comes back. Pest control is not an easy task to try DIY tricks, better let this be taken care of by an experts or professionals team.
Let me list out top 10 reasons to hire a Pest Control Expert:
  1. Certified and licensed professional pest controlFew pests are dangerous, you cannot treat them on your own. There are precautionary steps to be taken before encountering the pests. On contrary, an expert is aware of the danger and comes fully equipped. A professional company has specialized trainingand skillful in using pesticides.
  1. Long lasting effectAll pests are not the same. There are different species of insects and bugs, all of them have different treating process. Only an expert knows how to remove them from house permanently.
  1. Health RiskPest control chemicals can be dangerous for humans and pets. Handling such harmful chemicals is not everyone’s cup of coffee. It can cause you breathing problems.
  1. Micro inspection:Bedbugs are one of the hardest pests to find. You cannot see them with your naked eyes until they are all grown up. A close inspection is the only way to identify and removes these tiny pests. Also, helps in identifying any hidden threat.
  1. Damage evaluation:Termites can damage the foundation of your house. It is really difficult to evaluate the damaged caused by termite only an expert can help you with the full list of damage caused by termites to save you from the future accident.
  1. Experience in dealing with an unexpected situation:You will only come to know about this intruders when it is too late. Which kind of pest treatment will work for what quantity, is something only an expert can help you with.
  1. Fully equipped:Trusting in an online-based solution for pest treatment can worsen the situation by spreading them in the house. Sometimes its harmful to underestimate the chemicals side effects. There is specific equipment to treat different kinds of pest. Fully armed professional is only reliable in this condition.
  1. Time-savingTrying to remove pest is a time-consuming task for an immature. An expert can make the optimum use of time as they have a good amount of hands-on experience of the process.
  1. Expert opinion:The danger of Re-infestation is high. An expert can help you with the exact treatment and time to time precaution needs for removing the pest from its roots.
  1. Cost-effective:Getting it done by an expert will save you money in a long run. As there is a high probability of re-infestation and doing it again n again on your own will cost you much more than treating it once by an expert. Expert services do offer a discount or free inspection as a complimentary service with the pest control.
It is always advisable not to take risks when it comes to pest control of your property. Sometimes this small and tiny insects can harm you at deeper levels. Pest control companies do an inspection of the place and help you with the precautionary steps that should be taken. You can get a discount coupon for top pest control companies on Couponobox. Using coupon codes while booking your pest control appointment will save you a lot of money on pest control services. Taking an expert help gives you a complete satisfaction that now your home is free from pest.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Tips to Prepare Your Family from Home Invasion

Home invasion should never be taken lightly. It can terrorize your family, lead to physical abuse or cause the loss of a loved one. Although there are measures you can do to prevent unwanted people from getting inside your home, you should still be prepared in case an invasion does happen.
If you are unsure about what you need to do, here are some tips you can use to prepare your family in the event of a home invasion.

Start with a plan

You should establish a plan long before an invasion happens. Since panic and stress can easily fog your thinking, having a good plan can keep you aware of what you should do. It can keep you in control of things, too.
An effective emergency plan includes having a specific place the family should go to in case of an intrusion. You should dedicate a safe room that has reinforced locks and all the necessary items you’ll need for survival and to call for help. This includes a phone with an extra battery, flashlight and, if possible, a weapon. Do not get out of your safe room until help arrives or the situation calms down.
Part of an effective plan is practice. Role play your plan to find out which areas need modifications. Do this every 6 months and make changes to the plan as necessary. Include your kids when role playing. The more they act it out, the more they are likely to retain the information.

Use your alarm system

An alarm system is helpful in deterring burglars and intruders. It can connect you to the monitoring station, in case it’s monitored, or alert you of possible trespassers.
In the event that your home alarm system does signal intrusion, do not expose yourself to danger. Instead, use your alarm system to check your home. This is where having security cameras proves to be helpful.
If a full system doesn’t fit the budget, you can try installing a DIY home security system. Most DIY systems are inexpensive and you can easily install them without professional help. They are transferrable, too. If you are renting the place, you can easily take the system with you or transfer it to a new owner in case you decide to sell the house.

Know who to call for help

Even if you are skilled in combat, it’s still not a good idea to physically challenge the intruders in your home. Most of them go in groups and you’ll never know how many people are inside your property unless you get to see each one face to face. Consider your safety and that of your family as top priority.
At the first sign of intrusion, call for help. It can be your neighbor, local police or 911. Make sure your kids know who to call, too. Write down emergency numbers and keep a copy in your safe room and other parts of the house. Consider making them memorize those numbers, too.

Keep your phone and car keys near you

Home invasion can happen anytime, but they are more frequent at night. This is one good reason to keep your phone and car keys beside your bed.
If you hear a strange noise outside and you have no cameras to verify, press your car key’s panic button. That should trigger your alarm and scare potential intruders away from your property. It can help alert neighbors, too. After a few seconds of alarm, they are likely to look out their windows and no intruder would want that to happen.
Your car’s alarm makes a good alarm system, even if you are not at home. You can use it in parking lots in the event that you recognize threat and possible assault.

Know your neighbors

Your neighbors can be one of your strongest defenses against home invasion. In a close-knit community, intruders and burglars are less likely to attack since they can easily be spotted. Apart from that, your neighbors can also be the first people who can respond to your aid in case of an emergency. You can rely on them to check on your property when you’re out for a trip or you’re at work.
Set up a neighborhood watch program in case your community doesn’t have one yet. Talk to people who can lead the program and find out how each person can contribute. Distribute fliers, brochures and other materials to increase your people’s awareness about safety and security. You can reach out to your local law enforcers, too. They should be able to give you a more thorough lesson when it comes to protecting your family during a home invasion.
Neighborhood watch programs don’t necessarily have to be big, but it should be an effective one.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

How To Make Your Own Bar Soap


Soap making is a great “self-reliance” skill that enables a person provide something for themselves that they would otherwise have to depend on a store to get.  

Homemade Soap and Emergency Preparedness
Making soap is one of those old skills that used to be really common and now is nearly unheard of.  If soap makers are ever again needed, learning it would give you a valuable skill that could help your family and community.
However, for prepping purposes I prefer keeping a stock of ‘pre-made’ ready-to-use soap or even store bought soap rather than prepping ‘soap making supplies’ (click here for Five Great Soaps to Prep).  While I always have a good supply on hand, soap making fats and oils do not store well, so it is difficult to keep them for longer than a few years.
The only exception I make to this is lye, I stock plenty of lye as it consumes time and fuel to make.  I am not aware of a shelf-life on lye, and have personally used lye that was nearly 20 years old.  The store bought version is inexpensive, and has many uses – this makes it very easy for me to prep.

Soap Making Facts
Soap is actually a salt (source).  It’s the result of a chemical reaction between fat (an acid) and lye (sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or  potassium hydroxide (KOH) a base. Lye is also commercially sold as a plumbing solvent for clogged drains and is also used to preserve food like in the Norwegian dish lutefisk. Lye is not a scary man-made chemical, it occurs in nature and with a little knowledge can be handled very safely.
Soap cannot be made without lye.  It is possible to create a cleansing substance without lye, but it will not be soap.  Sodium hydroxide is often used to make solid soap while potassium hydroxide is usually used to make softer soaps and liquid soap.  For this article we will be using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for a harder bar of soap.
The amount of lye needed to react with the fats and oils will vary depending on the chemical makeup of the fats and oils you are using.  This is why it is important to use an established soap recipes or a lye calculator, when you make soap.  A cup of olive oil may not need as much lye as the same amount of  a different type of oil, so if  you swap oils on the recipe you may end up with too much or too little lye. Too much lye means the soap will be caustic (capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue) too little lye means the soap will contain too much fat, which will go rancid in time.

Cold Processed Soap vs Hot Processed Soap
Cold-processed soap still requires some heat but not much.  This soap making process requires exact measurements of lye and fat amounts and computing their ratio, using saponification charts or a lye calculator.  With cold processed soap, the bulk of the saponification happens after the combined oil and lye solution is poured into molds, usually over a period of two to six weeks. Because of this, cold processed soap still contains glycerine which is generally considered good for human skin.
Hot-processed soaps are created by encouraging the saponification reaction by adding heat to speed up the reaction. Unlike cold-processed soap, in hot-processed soap, the oils are completely saponified by the end of the handling period.  Therefore hot processed soap is ready to use right away.  In the “fully boiled hot-process” technique the glycerine and most of the impurities in the fat, lye, and water (which gives cold pressed soap its color) are completely cooked out of the soap and drained off as a liquid to be repurposed, leaving a pure hard white bar.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


"Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. (Proverbs 12:1)" 

We ought to feast on the scriptures and other materials that could expose our weaknesses.

The things of God are of deep import; and time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts can only find them out. Thy mind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of eternity—thou must commune with God.

Friday, August 10, 2018

What To Use When There’s No Toothpaste

Dental Hygiene should be a part of our daily lives and even more important in a survival situation for many reasons. Having access to a Dentist may be a serious challenge in a survival or prepper scenario. How will you maintain oral hygiene when your toothpaste has been exhausted? What will be your alternative methods for brushing your teeth? Do you even know that alternative methods exist and has been existing for 1000’s of years? How’s that for a track record?

What if I told you there was a tree that you could use to take care of your dental hygiene, would that not be something you would be interested in?  There is a tree called the Toothbrush tree and people have been using it for 1000’s of years. The scientific name for this tree is “Salvadora Persica, but you can call it the “Toothbrush tree”. The Salvadora Persica is a small, evergreen shrub or tree that grows in hot, dry conditions in parts of Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula.
Salvadora Persica Tree
The Toothbrush Tree is valued as a medicinal plant since it contains a number of active compounds that promote good dental hygiene and have been shown to reduce tooth decay, plaque and gum disease.
Here are a few noted benefits of this wonderful natural toothbrush:
Miswak or Siwak natural toothbrush
* Kills bacteria that causes gum disease
* Fights plaque effectively.
* Useful and effectiveness for teeth whitening
* Helps reduce tooth decay
* Removes Bad breath and odor from mouth.
* Creates a fragrance in the mouth.
* Massages the gums for healthier teeth.
* Effectively cleans between teeth due to its parallel bristles.
* Increases salivation and hence inhibits dry mouth (Xerostomia)
How To Use It ?
To use the natural toothbrush: Remove the stick from the package and trim or chew the bark off one end of the stick; about a 1/2 inch. Chew on the exposed end until the twig forms bristles. Brush as usual. No toothpaste required. The natural toothbrush will freshen the mouth. Every few days (when bristles look like an old broom) cut off the exposed bristles, peel bark and start anew. The natural toothbrush should be kept in a clean place.
Enjoy and keep smiling ðŸ™‚
If the tree toothbrush becomes dry, it should be soaked in rose water to soften the end bristles. The end should be cut fresh to ensure hygiene for each usage.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How to Choose a Fishing Rod for Beginners

As with any product in the market, fishing rods come in different varieties, qualities and sizes. They also come in a range of prices. One of the most challenging things is being able to decipher whether it’s a good choice for your fishing endeavors.

Worry not however, as we have gone through the information and put up the facts necessary for you to make the right choice. You do not have to buy a rod only to find that it does not work for you leaving it collecting dust in your garage. The most disappointing thing is when you consider the money you wasted as fishing rods can be quite expensive.
Before you set out to buy a fishing rod, it’s important to understand the various components of the fishing rod. Let’s look at each of them below.
The handle or grip is made from different materials. These could be wood, foam, or cork. A good fishing rod has a comfortable grip helping you reel without any trouble. Each type of grip has its benefits. Those made from cork are water resistant. They do not absorb moisture and provide excellent comfort.
Grips made from foam offer light weight and durability. A special kind called the pistol grip is designed with the anatomy of your hand.
Trigger stick rod
This is a long rod that allows the fisherman to cast with both hands. The distance of the throw is also enhanced.
This part of the rod is screwed on and is the only part that is detachable.
Reel Seat
The reel seat is the connection point between the pole and the reel. It’s constructed from graphite or molded plastic.
Having looked at the standards components of a fishing rod, the next step is selecting the right one. There are two main questions you need to ask yourself.
  1. What type of fish are you going after
  2. What type of environment are you fishing in.
These will be the backbone of your decisions. Yes, they sound generic and hard to make a choice around. Continue reading and you’ll see that it’s actually quite simple to pick the right fishing rod.

Fishing Method

Fishing rods are designed around the method or style of fishing. There are five main types of fishing rods. These are bait casting, overhead, fly, spinning, telescoping and surf.
Baitcasting rods
This are better suited for the more experienced angler. Why? Because used the wrong way you can easily tumble down into the water. However, baitcasting fishing rods allow the user to have more control when reeling in a fish as well as better accuracy when casting.
Overhead rods
These have a sturdier and shorter design than casting fishing rods. If you are after the biggest fish, then the overhead fishing rod is the one for you. Simply attach it to the bat, let the line go down into the deep and pull the big fish up once you get a bite.
Spinning rods
These are ideal when going after small and medium sized fish. They comprise of a reel that sits underneath the rod. The design makes spinning rods highly popular due to the versatility that they offer. It can be used for both bait fishing and luring and is a perfect tool for fishing on a boat as well as a kayak.
Telescopic fishing rods.
Telescopic fishing rods are suited for small fish. They are designed to be transported in very small spaces such as at the back seat of a car and are simple to set up and use.
Surf fishing rods
These are the longest type of fishing rod. They can be broken apart for easier transportation and once assembled carry a long line. This fishing line is intended to go past the waves of the boat and reach where the fish are most likely feeding. Surf fishing rods have a strong construction and are ideal when going after large fish.
Fly fishing rod
This type of rod is to be used with flies. A specially designed bait that looks like the prey of the target fish. It is ideal for medium sized fish such as bass and trout.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Top 5 Tips To Preparing For Fishing

Everybody who likes fishing has few tricks they can call their own, yet all in all there are some basic tips to take after when fishing. Fishing is a kind of sport, which requires the knowledge of the water region and the kind of fish you’re aiming to catch. You require basic fishing equipment for a start, which includes a line and hook in addition to a few accessories, a tackle box and bait.

Not all fishes have the same habits, so it would be better if the proper advance study is done in order for you to learn the best place to go and the ideal time of day. Lastly, be prepared to spend a large part of your time at a place where utmost patience is truly a virtue. The following 5 fishing tips should help in your mission for the ideal catch.
#Tip 1: Be prepared
Preparation begins a long time before you hit the water. This includes everything from checking whether all the components of your equipment are complete to make sure you are utilizing the right bait. Basically, you should check everything. How regularly do you see somebody at the shore with line problem or your mate, who finds that he forgot his bait at home?
These are common oversights that occur much more frequently than a lot of people would care to concede. Fundamentally, everything ought to be prepared and ready before hitting the water. Two to three hours of preparation could be the turning point for a fishing trip and you can follow the FishingLab fishing tips. Do it just before you take off and you won’t squander profitable time setting up when you ought to be fishing.
#Tip 2: Proper equipment
For basic fishing off a rowboat, shoreline or dock, you require a simple fishing set, which includes a reel, rod, line, and hook.Tackle boxes are perfect for conveying and arranging little equipment like lures, sharp hooks, knife, and an extra line. Fill the tackle box with an adjustable wrench, flashlight, pliers, rod tips and spare hooks, first aid supplies, lighter, and a glue stick.
#Tip 3: Pick your target
Fishing truly has changed throughout the years and as fishermen get increasingly capable, their approaches have turned out to be more specific. Nowadays, if you are aiming to catch fish, you need to pick a particular target species then set up yourself accordingly. Indeed, even regular fishermen take off pursuing particular species, be it cubing for tunaoffshore or spinning for bream in a river mouth. Centering all yourefforts and resources on a particular type, instead of utilizing the ‘shotgun approach’ and seeking after anything that happens to come your way, will make your efforts more profitable.
#Tip 4: Bait
Fisher indeed has distinctive preferences with regards to food. Ensure to use bait that the fish you are targeting enjoys. Attach a worm or other bait to your hook, so the fish can get set on a decent hook when it eats down on the enticing bait. Some electronic and artificial baits entice specific sorts of fish, however not others. Try not to go for roost with bait intended to appeal salmon. Sparkly reflective baits can sun daze certain fishes; utilize matted metal baits instead.
#Tip 5: Patience and peace
Make sure to keep noise to a base, however come with something to pass time with; be patient. Keep a close look in case there is a fishing line movement; a fast hard tug is an opportunity to snare a fish when you’re ready. When you have filled your quantity of fish for the day, it is time for your chef to assume control. Pack up the fish appropriately for transport back home for cooking or freezing. In the event that you brought along dinning gear, treat yourself to a hot shore dinner, which has no equivalent.
Nowadays, with relaxation time ending up increasingly constrained, it truly is fundamental for fishermen to shift the hours in and try to fish hard. After every fishing session ends, the more of your time you spend fishing, the better your odds. Try not to make excuses – simply step out there and try your best, because every hour you spend fishing you gain something new and that improves you as a fisherman.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How to Use a Pair of Glasses to Survive in the Wilderness

eyeglasses to survive in the wildernessAnyone who has ever been called four eyes may have felt a little down in life because of their specs, but childhood teasing does not last forever. Those four-eyed individuals will one day be able to rub those bullies noses into the fact that those glasses could be the difference between life and death.
There are several everyday items that can be used to survive in the wilderness, shoelaces to make rope, socks to filter water or a volleyball named Wilson to have conversations with.But one of the most useful at-home items someone can use in the wilderness are eyeglasses.
Notice how the people from Walking Dead, never use glasses to survive. And they keep dropping like flies.

Vision Assistance

Obviously glasses help people see, but out in the wilderness it can be more than that. Sunglasses or transition lenses can protect from blindness against the elements. If someone is climbing a mountain completely covered in snow, there is one basic color, and that is white. The problem with this is when the sun comes out, that white snow becomes blinding. Another area in which sunglasses can protect eyesight is out in the ocean. Just like snow, when the sun shines onto the water it can become extremely bright. A pair of sunglasses protects the eyes from the overwhelming brightness of the snow or water and lets an adventurer see clearly without damaging their eyesight.

Protection from the Elements

Not only do glasses guard against the sun, they also guard against injury. If someone is in a desert area, glasses can be essential to protecting the eyes from the sand. If winds come up, sand can be a vicious thing and having it slice into the eyes can be extremely serious. Even is someone is not in a desert area, a forest or jungle with high winds can carry a lot of small harmful objects that can wedge themselves into an eye.

Starting a Fire

One of the most well-known uses for glasses in the wilderness is starting a fire. The lens inside a pair of glasses works the same way as a magnifying glass. When the sun hits a lens it creates a beam of light that converges all the energy of the sun into one small area, which creates heat. The thicker the lens the better because it results in a stronger conversion. Fire means life when trying to survive. It is what makes food, filters water and provides warmth. A pair of glasses starting a fire can truly save someone’s life.

Create a Useful Tool

The lenses inside a pair of glasses can be used for more than making fire. With the assistance of a sharp rock, a lens can be filed down to create a small sharp knife. This can be helpful to use as a weapon but also a tool. A knife can help cut roots or plants to eat. It can also be useful for cutting meat. If someone has caught an animal, the knife can be used for skinning and cutting out the meat. It is helpful for gutting and fileting fish as well.

Signal for Help

Similar to the process of making fire, eyeglasses can partner with the sun to create a help signal to oncoming travelers. When the light bounces off or transmits through a lens, it results in a small flash or glare. Travelers can often be too far off to hear someone shouting and may not be paying close enough attention to see a someone who is stranded. A glint of sunlight or a glare can be seen farther off, and if someone can manage to shine it into someone’s eyes, they will be more likely to turn around and notice that someone needs help.

Catching Dinner

If someone has wire frame glasses, the temples of the glasses can be used to create a fish hook. The temple tips can be bent into a hook shape and sharpened with a rock. If someone can find some strong roots or vines along with a small bug, they have just created their own fishing pole and dinner is a catch away.
Survival of the fittest may have just turned into survival of the nerdiest, so before someone starts a new adventure, grabbing some Ray Bans glasses could very well save their life.