
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"MORE" Things You May Want On Your "MUST HAVE" List (26-27)

When tragedy strikes, items that you typically take for granted become essential. If you plan on surviving, you have to know what items are necessities and what you can look past. The items you hoard can mean the difference between surviving another day and having to plunder and steal to live. If you’ve never given this any thought, you need to seriously start considering it. In order to give you a little help, we’ve compiled a list of items you should hoard in an emergency. When a natural disaster occurs, you will be at an advantage if you stockpile the items mentioned below.

26: Axe
An axe will be very helpful. If you need to cut down anything such as firewood or cut down doors, an axe will be very useful. Obviously it can be used for other purposes as well such as a weapon or a versatile tool. 

27: Food
Last but absolutely not least is food. Unless you plan on starving, you need to have a good supply of food hoarded. Don’t think about frozen fish or chicken. These items will go bad as soon as your electricity goes out. You want non-perishable foods that will last a long time. Stick to canned goods, dry milk, flour, rice, and beans. Pretty much anything that will last a long time and can be prepared easily will be a regular 

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