
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency

Have you ever noticed how, whenever a big storm is predicted, people start rushing to stores to clean them out of ever food item and supply they have on the shelves? In one sense, it’s probably good that they are trying to anticipate the emergency, despite being last-minute about it. It sure beats those people who don’t bother to prepare at all, then complain when emergency services are overwhelmed by requests for assistance.
50 The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency

But why panic in the first place? Why not have a stash of necessary items always ready for such an emergency? Even if there isn’t a storm approaching, it’s nice to know that you don’t have to rush out to the store every time you run out of toilet paper. Keeping some extra around the house is always a good idea!

With this in mind, I decided to ask CampingSurvival.com’s Facebook fans what they felt were the emergency supplies that stores were most likely to run out of when people start to panic. Then I compiled the top comments in various categories so I could share it with you. Since this list is based on the comments of our Facebook fan page, some of the items (canned meat, for instance) may not be the absolute first things for a store to run out of, but are still items that you should consider having among your emergency supplies nonetheless.

Without further ado, here the list of the Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency, compiled by yours truly:

  1. Bread
  2. Butter
  3. Cereal
  4. Coffee
  5. Eggs
  6. Flour
  7. Fruit, canned and fresh
  8. Honey
  9. Meats, canned
  10. Milk
  11. Peanut butter
  12. Pet food
  13. Salt
  14. Sugar
  15. Vegetables, canned and root vegetables
  16. Water

  1. Batteries
  2. Candles
  3. Charcoal
  4. Coolers
  5. Flashlights
  6. Gasoline
  7. Generators
  8. Glow sticks
  9. Ice
  10. Lamp oil and oil lanterns
  11. Lighter fluid
  12. Matches
  13. Propane, propane stoves

  1. Alcohol, drinking
  2. Beer
  3. Cigarettes

  1. Alcohol, rubbing
  2. Antiseptic
  3. Aspirin/pain relievers
  4. Cold medicine
  5. First aid kits

  1. Feminine hygiene products
  2. Paper plates/napkins
  3. Shampoo
  4. Soap
  5. Toilet paper

  1. Baby food/formula
  2. Diapers

  1. Duct tape
  2. Plastic bags
  3. Plywood
  4. Radios
  5. Rope
Now, before you file this away as mildly interesting reading, take this list and compare it to what you have stocked up. Check to see what you may be missing or what you need more of. And don’t forget that this is only a Top 50 list, so there are plenty of other items.

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