I know you’ve heard more than enough about packing emergency kits, Bug Out Bags, Go Bags, or whatever else they may be called.
However, in a scenario in which you’re running out the door, that pre-packed kit is going to be missing something. A lot of important somethings, actually, because many items can, and should, only be packed at the last minute.
Another consideration is that whatever you leave behind might end up in the hands of criminals. Homes left vacant after evacuations are targets for thieving low-lifes. Just know that whatever you leave behind may not be there when you get back, so plan ahead as to what you must take with you.
Click HERE for a downloadable checklist you can print out.
* Cash. You may already have packed a few dollars in your emergency kit, but if you have cash stashed around the house, be sure to take it with you! A vacant home is more likely to be burglarized, plus that extra money will come in handy for travel expenses and food.
* Medications. Any prescription or over-the-counter medications that you regularly take should be packed at the last minute. If it needs to be kept refrigerated, have a small ice chest and several cold packs in the freezer.
* Medical equipment, such as a wheelchair, walking aids, diabetic meters, or nebulizer.
* Special equipment or supplies for a special needs family member.
* Firearms and extra magazines/ammo. If you have a collection of guns, decide now which you will grab at the last minute. No one likes to leave these behind, but in the case of a house fire or oncoming tornado, you’ll waste precious minutes lugging them to your vehicle.
If your gun safe is portable, then be sure you can transport it out of the house. A furniture dolly would come in handy for this task.
* The right clothing for current weather conditions. Your emergency kit probably doesn’t contain heavy duty winter clothing or rain boots. In order to stay warm and dry, know ahead of time where these items are located.
* Heirlooms, valuables. If the house is on fire, you’ll have to leave these behind, but other than the direst emergency, you’ll be glad you packed these along.
* Photo albums. Over and over people say how glad they were that their photos survived a calamity. Place your most valued photographic treasures in a fire-proof safe.
* Small safes and/or strong-boxes. If something is valuable enough to be kept in one of these, remember to take these with you.
* Precious metals. If you have been buying gold and silver coins, please don’t leave them for burglars or for Mother Nature to wash away with flood waters! They can be heavy, so you may want to store them in smaller containers to make transporting easier.
* The right shoes. Sometimes we have to leave our house in a hurry and in the middle of the night. Plan which shoes each family member will grab, along with socks. (Have extra socks and some moleskin packed in your emergency kit.)
* Vital electronics. If you keep personal and financial records on a computer, and most of us do, you’ll want to have a plan for securing that information and, if possible, taking it with you.
At the very least, someone should be trained to download information to a thumb drive. It might be easier to just grab the laptop or unplug the desktop computer and make a run for it.
* Your Grab-and-Go binder.
* Perishable foods. If you expect to be on the road a while and you have the time to pack it, a cooler filled with food will eliminate the need to stop at fast food joints or restaurants. This will help you get to a safer location more quickly.
* Comfort items for family members. These could be stuffed animals, favorite pillows or blankets.
* Family pets and their supplies. Read this Pet Emergency Checklist to help you prepare for your animals’ needs.
* Camping supplies. If there’s a chance that you may not reach a hotel or other lodging, a tent, sleeping bags, and a few other supplies will provide shelter and rudimentary living quarters, temporarily.
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