
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Dear Brothers & Sisters...Letter from Tom

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

At 3am I woke up and for 25 minutes I was unable to return to sleep; a prompting to write echoed through my head and heart. So here I sit at 3:30am typing those things I feel the Lord wants me to share with those that I know and appreciate so much.

There two items that keep coming to my heart, they have been now for about 5 days now. It is time that I put it on paper, well, on the screen, that which strikes me as important. I hope that you might feel a prompting about what it may mean to you; these two subjects: the Family Proclamation and the Great & Spacious Building.


Proclaimed to the world nearly 20 years ago, “The Family – A Proclamation to the World” holds some incredible opportunity for us to learn from our Heavenly Father what we, as His earthly children, need to be aware of and responsible for. But His holy document goes one step further, it clearly states what the outcome will be should we fail in those responsibilities.

The Proclamation states that parents have the responsibility to care for and provide for the physical needs of their children. The Proclamation also charges fathers with providing both the “necessities of life” as well as “protection”. Folks, don’t read into it, don’t read between the lines, or try to shift a Prophets words…….it says what is says, plain and simple. These clear verses of modern day scripture layout exactly what our Heavenly Fathers is requiring of us as parents and especially as fathers.

As I read it, the Proclamation of providing for our children and our families clearly includes the need for emergency preparedness, providing for our families in times of need, and protecting our families from danger and threat when those rear their ugly heads.

Notice the Proclamation in its title “To the World”; not to the LDS church, not to the Elder’s Quorum and not the Relief Society. As I have read the scriptures over the last five decades I’ve seen what it means when a Holy Prophet speaks to the world, usually calling it to repentance; maybe here as well. But for sure the Lord is relaying to the entire world what His expectations of us are. In the second-to-last paragraph of the Proclamation is tells us that we are accountable to God for failing to do these things.

Preparing as directed and prompted by the Spirit is something not to be taken lightly. It is a foundational requirement that the Lord has charged us with, in these, the latter days. I find myself needing to renew my efforts so the Lord will not find me lacking. I would encourage all to review the Proclamation in light of your own situation, so on that judgment day the Lord may say to us, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” How joyous those few words will sound as we view eternity laying out before us with our families forever.

The second subject refers to the “Great and Spacious Building”. Actually, more specifically, I am referring to those that occupied that building and their behavior to those holding to the iron rod. In case you forget the story I refer you to 1 Nephi, Chapter 8:

(https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/1- ne/8.33 lang=eng#32).

There are so many great ideas and morals to this story that I don’t want to, and won’t diminish any of them.

What I feel prompted to share is my impression of those in that building and their treatment of those holding (and trying to hold) onto the iron rod. To remind you, the “iron rod” refers to the word of God; and maybe literally the Word of God. Knowing that the “Word of God” means Jesus Christ; John lays that out for us in the New Testament.

So we have these folks trying to maintain their testimony, deal with life, and trying simply to make it to the “tree of Life”, maintain their testimony, to be with our Heavenly Father, to learn and obey His word.

The whole time they are being set upon by the influences of the world. And as if that is not bad enough, there are people in the great and spacious building that are mocking them and making fun of them.

The verbiage used is not lost on me; it speaks of the building being “high in the air”, the people were dressed really “fine”, “pointing fingers” and finally scorning those that were partaking of the fruit of the tree. Not a pretty site; but one that exists today. And it applies to those that have followed the commandment to prepare for emergencies, and to provide for and protect their families.

Now, who exactly are those in the great and spacious building?

Ah, that can be a troubling subject. But right now, right this minute, what is the Spirit bearing witness to you as to whom are those in that building that are scoffing, scorning and mocking?

I hope you felt the Spirit as he touched your heart. Just recently I had the unfortunate opportunity to witness behavior that is exactly that which is spoken of in the story. Fortunately I am well-grounded and willing to listen to the Spirit. I didn’t question or doubt that which the Lord has required of me personally in the area of emergency preparedness (a.k.a. emergency survivaliness). But what did surprise me was the source of such un-Christ like behavior. 

Do not ignore that it may be those at church, family, well respected members of your community, friends, politicians, or law enforcement officers. And it was not the first time I have seen such behavior and from those that I would least expect.

So my “share with you“ is terribly simple….When you are working on your emergency preparedness, and you allow the Spirit to direct you in this endeavor, don’t allow those in the “great and spacious building” to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed of what you are doing, feeling or following. And more importantly, don’t allow their arrogance, their over inflated ego, their condescending attitude to lead you off the path of following the Lord and keeping the commandments that God has given us.

Specifically, don’t allow those self-absorbed individuals, or groups, to influence you to abandon the commandments that He has given us through the proclamation……your family and faith is worth more than that.

Faith is precious; following our Heavenly Father provides us with rich blessings, whether in this life or the life to come.

In closing, may we all draw closer to the spirit so our preparing, providing and protecting of our families can go forward in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, and in keeping with that which we know to be true. May you be blessed in all that you do, knowing that you are serving our Heavenly Father. May you feel peace and security in your heart knowing God loves you for your obedience and faithfulness. For truly…..He lives!

Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity and privilege to share these things with you. I hope in some small way it has touched you. I pray that the Spirit will work with you in your daily life and guide you in your preparedness and in your quest to return to our Father in Heaven.

Your Brother in Christ,


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