
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Monday, December 8, 2014

10 Useful Skills You Can Learn In Under An Hour

Wouldn’t it be great to be a little more self-reliant? Here are a basic set of skills that you can use to further your step in being a jack of all trades.

1. Changing a car tire

(Source: gifsoup.com)

Okay maybe not like that, but here’s an easy step-by-step tutorial that you can learn in less than an hour.

2. Tying your shoelaces more efficiently

 3. Single crochet stitch

(Source: lifebookmarks.net)

You could whip up a dishcloth in that time!

4. Replacing a toilet

(Source: Youtube/ American Standard)
Okay, so you already know how to replace a toilet seat cover. EASY. How about replacing the entire toilet in an under an hour?

 5. Replacing a light switch

(Source: Youtube/ Ryan Adams)

After spending quite an amount for that new light bulb, you go ahead an replace the old one. You constantly flick the light switch but it isn’t turning on. Don’t blame the bulb, you may need to fix the light switch!

6. CPR

You can learn how to save someone’s life by using CPR, the Heimlich manuever and using these simple steps to stop bleeding.

7. The core principals of pilates

You can even do it while you’re sitting in a chair.

8. Basic HTML

(Source: tyouta.com)

Learning basic html is becoming a standard for getting a job in this progressive digital age.

9. Cleaning a squid

(Source: Youtube/ Harborfishmarket)

You can cook up some breaded fried calamari in no time! Everyone should know how to clean a squid.

10. Morse code

Stuck in a time machine in the 1800s? You’re in luck! Believe it or not, with a useful mnemonic or guide you could learn Morse code in an hour.

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