
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

12. Oat Spike Paracord Survival Bracelet

This simple weave feels good on the wrist and is easy to deploy.
How To Tie Oat Spike Paracord Survival Bracelet

How To Tie A Paracord Bracelet: Oat Spike

A paracord survival bracelet is a versatile tool that can come in handy for a number of emergency situations. Whether you are a survivalist, frequent hunter, outdoors person or just value the need to be prepared at all times, knowing how to tie a paracord bracelet is a great skill. Knowing how to tie several is even better- try making our Cobra Paracord Survival Bracelet and our Tire Tread Paracord Survival Bracelet
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the Oat Spike Survival Bracelet.

How to Tie A Paracord Bracelet – Oat Spike Paracord Survival Weave

Supplies you need:

  • Two 8 ft pieces of 550 paracord
  • Side release buckle
  • Tape Measure
  • Scissors
  • Lighter
Oat Spike Paracord Survival Bracelet Instructions and Supplies
Supplies you need when you make an oat spike paracord bracelet

Step 1: Get Started

In order to get started, make sure the ends of your paracord are trimmed and singed.
Then, fold each piece in half to find the center points.
Fold both piece of paracord in half to find the centers.
Fold both piece of paracord in half to find the centers.

Step 2: Put on the first buckle

Starting with the grey paracord, slide on the first buckle:
Take the grey piece and thread the two ends up the first slot of the male end of the buckle and back down through the second slot.
Take the grey piece and thread the two ends up the first slot of the male end of the buckle and back down through the second slot.
Now bring them back down through the second slot.
Now bring them back down through the second slot.
Pull the ends through the loop to fasten the buckle onto the paracord.
Pull the ends through the loop to fasten the buckle onto the paracord.
Pull to tighten.
Pull to tighten.

Step 3: Start weaving

Lay your blue paracord behind the grey to start:
Lay your paracord so the center of the blue piece is behind the grey piece.
Lay your paracord so the center of the blue piece is behind the grey piece.
Cross the blue strands around in front of the grey.
Cross the blue strands around in front of the grey.
Starting with the right strand, pull the grey strands up and under the blue loop.
Starting with the right strand, pull the grey strands up and under the blue loop.
Do the same thing with the left side.
Do the same thing with the left side.
Pull to tighten.
Pull to tighten.

Step 4: Continue on down the bracelet…

For the complete instructions from DIY Ready, click here.

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