
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Survival Shotgun

We hear a lot about the handguns and the rifles that are recommended for home defense and survival, but the shotgun is often overlooked.
The shotgun, may in fact be the best and most versatile survival weapon of all.
While, it’s not easy to conceal and its hard to deploy in tight spaces, so it’s not ideal to foil street crime or carjacking. However, for home defense and urban/suburban civil disorder situations the shotgun has great advantages over handguns and carbines. Just the sight of that big barrel and the sound of a round being jacked into the chamber can be enough to discourage most thugs.
One shot puts multiple projectiles downrange in a pattern that has a much better chance at a first shot hit than any other firearm. A direct hit at close range will positively stop the criminal D-E-A-D in his tracks. A few round sending dozens of projectiles downrange will stop a whole gang. Lower velocity “law enforcement” round are ideal for close quarters and indoors encounters since they have reduced recoil and less likelihood of injuring innocent people further away. In the street you are getting off about six rounds to the handgun’s one or two.
Shotguns have amazing versatility. You can perforate a vehicle with buckshot or stop it with a slug or armor-piercing round. You can use breaching rounds to open doors or use exploding or incendiary rounds to discourage attackers or clear your escape rout. Of course once you are safe you can still bring down game for food with shot and slugs. Compared to good handguns and combat rifles, shotguns are relatively cheap. You can get a good, new combat style pump, shotgun for around $300.00 to $400.00 dollars.
Shotguns are often less regulated than handguns and rifles and therefore, attract less attention. I do recommend that you replace the stock with a folding or collapsible stock for close situations. You may also want to ad a shell holder for quick reloads or to keep special rounds close by. Other customizing options include a magazine extension, barrel shroud, flashlight and laser pointer. Accessories are available for most Mossberg, Winchester, and Remington shotguns from Advanced Technology of Milwaukee Wisconsin and at most sporting goods stores.

A wide variety of ammunition is available for all occasions. Shown here are: law enforcement rounds (short), double-ought buckshot, slugs, armor -piercing, flamethrower, fireball, breaching, and non-lethal rubber rounds.

Mossberg 500, 12-gauge “camper” model came with a pistol grip (no stock) this was easily replaced with an Advanced Technology folding stock and a 5-round shell holder.


Ithaca “riot gun” designed for police use outdoors. It’s little less maneuverable indoors and not as convertible. Though you could saw off the stock and refinish the pistol grip.

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