
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Liquidity drought could spark market bloodbath, warns IMF

Evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates will cause huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, Institute of International Finance warns

investors face a “painful” adjustment in a world of evaporating liquidity and higher US interest rates that will trigger huge market swings with potentially catastrophic consequences, the Institute of International Finance has warned.

Timothy Adams, the chief executive of the IIF, which represents the world’s biggest banks, described liquidity as the “top issue” at high level meetings of central bankers, chief executives and other financial institutions.

He warned that the raft of regulation introduced in the wake of the 2008 crisis could potentially cause market gyrations larger than last October’s “flash crash” in US Treasuries.

While Mr Adams supports tougher rules that have made the banks more resilient, he said a complex web of regulatory reform may have left banks less able to respond to the next crisis.

“There’s just less capacity for making markets,” he said. “Officials will say: we expect some volatility and this was part of this broader scheme of regulatory reform. But for the private sector there is this issue of: is the total effect of all of these various regulatory changes likely to produce outcomes larger than each individual regulatory reform and its consequences?

"The cumulative unintended could end up being much larger than the one-off intended - we just don’t know.”

Mr Adams said a complex web of regulatory reform may have left banks less able to respond to the next crisis (Photo: AFP)

Market liquidity, or the ease with which an investor can quickly buy or sell a security without moving its price, has evolved since the financial crisis. Investment banks, which traditionally supported liquidity in times of stress, have been shrinking their activities.

Corporate bond inventories have fallen by 75pc in the US and 50pc in Europe since 2007, according to IIF data. While much of this has been driven by banks unwinding large credit books, regulation has also discouraged them from holding large quantities of bonds that could help cushion violent swings in prices.

Mr Adams said a “dramatic revolution” of the players and risks of market making had also pushed risk “out into the shadows” of non-bank lending.

“We’ve rewired and re-engineered the global financial regulatory system and as a result we’re having profound impacts on institutional arrangements. At the same time we’ve had this rapid change in benchmark prices such as a 50pc drop in the price of oil, a rapid change in the dollar and other exchange rates and another drop in commodity prices,” he said.

“Once you bring the rapid change in major benchmark prices and a change in the architecture of the global financial system together, you could end up with outcomes that are pretty painful, and certainly unknowable.”

Mr Adams warned that the US Federal Reserve’s first interest rate rise in almost a decade would also cause disruption, and that the “the most transparent and telegraphed move in monetary history” was unlikely to prevent some dollar denominated debts from “blowing up” in emerging markets.

“I still have scars from 1994 after the economic downturn and the Fed first hiked. So it will be the most transparent and telegraphed move in monetary history, but once you start that cycle, it will certainly be disruptive.”

Mr Adams said developing economies which had built up large debts were most at risk of capital flight. “Emerging markets that have poor fundamentals, poor policy regimes and have over borrowed could see very volatile times going forward. Now is the time to put in place good regimes and buffers against potential downside risks because the business cycle hasn’t gone away.

“I worry because you have a lot of countries where you’ve seen a tremendous increase in corporate dollar denominated debt – so you’ve got a foreign exchange risk, but you’ve also got a credit risk. The question is: is some of that debt going to blow up, and then is there a sovereign balance sheet behind it? Those countries are going to feel strained.”

Credit to non-bank borrowers outside the United States has grown to $9 trillion, from $6 trillion since the financial crisis, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). IIF data show emerging market dollar denominated debt has more than doubled to $2.6 trillion in a decade.

The BIS measure, which includes lending through banks registered in other jurisdictions, shows the figure is closer to $4.5 trillion today, leaving the world more sensitive to changes in interest rates by the Federal Reserve.

Meanwhile, global bond markets have grown from $30 trillion in 2000 to almost $90 trillion. However, the IIF has highlighted that trading volumes in US bond markets have fallen by 20pc compared with 2005.

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan, warned in April that tougher bank regulation meant the next financial crisis would trigger more market volatility, as capital rules made it too costly for banks hold large stocks of securities to trade.

He said discord in the US Treasury and currency markets were a "warning shot across the bow", anticipating the turbulence during the next crash.

Mr Adams agreed that the sharp swing seen in US Treasuries last October was likely to be repeated.

"Personally I’m more focussed on the future because a lot of these regulatory changes haven’t yet been fully implemented, and some of them are still being debated – capital charges with respect to instruments on the trading book and the implementation of TLAC [total loss-absorbing capacity].

The "flash crash" in US Treasuries, captured by the International Monetary Fund. Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan, said the move of 37 basis points on October 15 was “an event that is supposed to happen only once in every 3 billion years or so” (Source: IMF)

"There are some concerns that a couple of events that we have seen is function of these regulatory changes, that may or may not be the case, but watching over the next year or two, and will we have similar events [to the flash crash] – if not larger - that may then warrant further investigation and looking at the cumulative effect of these regulatory changes.

Dame Clara Furse, an external member of the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee (FPC), which is in charge of financial stability, said in February that liquidity in some markets had "become more fragile", which could result in "unforeseen consequences" for markets.

The Bank, led by Governor Mark Carney, will work with market participants and industry bodies such as the IIF to assess whether asset managers could cope with a rapid change in market conditions.

Mr Adams said policymakers were now facing the challenge of navigating the new financial order.

"I grew up in the 1970s and 80s when it was all about trying to get inflation down, you had a steep yield curve and it just feels like we’re in a very different and foreign place," he said. "At the same time we’re re-engineering the financial architecture, so we just don’t know what the linkages are.

"As you turn the dials of policy, you don’t know how much to turn it in order to get a certain amount of impact, so you’re making it up as you go along, and that’s a bit frightening if you’re in a position of accountability.

In terms of volatility, officials will say they want a two-way market. They argue that there's been too much complacency. But it’s like saying, I want to get on a rollercoaster because I want to have fun. Well you'd better make sure you’re ready and you’re strapped in and this is a rollercoaster that you understand."

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