
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Why Pocket Knives are Important for Everyday Carry

knife 4You never know when a pocket knife will come in handy. In a worst case scenario, you’ll be carrying it around in your pocket, without using it much besides opening a box or cutting some duct tape every few weeks. But in the best case scenario, you could save someone’s life. All of a sudden, it seems worth it to take a light weight pocket knife around with you at all times, doesn’t it? When most people hear “pocket knife” they see a weapon and they instantly think about self-defense. Who wouldn’t want to protect their families and themselves? But beyond self-defense, pocket knives have multiple uses. If you’re not already carrying a pocket knife with you at all times, the following reasons might change your mind.
Eating food
  • Ever went hiking and couldn’t cut up an apple or split a sandwich with someone? You won’t go through that again if you carry around a knife pocket. When it comes to food, pocket knives are invaluable. They’ll help you cut up cheese or prepare food on the go. Not to mention that they will come in handy when someone places a plastic knife in front of you that is supposed to help you cut your steak. Nothing is more frustrating that being handed a butter knife that is virtually useless. A sharp pocket knife will spare you the hassle and enable you to properly enjoy your meal. Pocket knives even double as a fork when you’re really in a pinch for cutlery.
knife 3Making fire
  • Getting a fire started with your bare hands can be pretty daunting. But when you have a pocket knife, the task seems more manageable. You’ll realize that pocket knives are important when you are in a rural area and you’re struggling to find tinder for a fire. The tool will come in handy and rescue you from a chilly night and a cold dinner. Cutting up dead branches and chopping dry wood will seem like a piece of cake.
Comes in handy
  • Everyone would have come across at least one situation when a pocket knife would’ve been extremely handy: cutting a blister pack, opening an envelope, helping an animal who was trapped in a wire tangle, tightening a couple of loose screws or prying open a stubborn phone case. If you didn’t recognize yourself in any of the above mentioned situations, feel free to learn from the mistakes of the rest of us. You don’t need to go camping to slide this tool into your pocket. It’s bound to make itself useful in various situations from cutting strings, doing some work in the garden or opening unrelenting boxes or packaging.

Life threatening situations
  • There is the possibility you might come across an accident or undergo one yourself. In case someone is seriously injured, the first step is to identify the bleeding and do everything you can to stop it. However, it can be difficult to go through layers of clothes so you can reach the wound. A knife pocket is going to prove extremely useful in this kind of situations when another man’s life is hanging from a thread and time is of the essence. Pocket knives can save your life in various other scenarios. They can help you cut through a seat belt in case you are trapped in a car after an accident.
knife 2Criteria for choosing good pocket knives
  • Blade length and overall length – the ideal blade will be under three inches. Make a note to check up on your state’s regulations regarding knives and any restrictions.
  • Blade type – there’s no shortage of blades out there to choose from, but you’ll want to go for something that is easy to control and offers versatility for everything you have in mind. The type of blade that fits the bill is the drop point. A great all-purpose blade, drop points feel comfortable and are affordable.
  • Price – keep in mind that not everything that shines is gold. It’s not impossible to find pocket knives that are not going to burn a whole in your pocket, but still deliver excellent quality and a durable build.
Brand – there are many no-name brands out there coming out with pocket knives that could only last you a month with average use. A quick Google search before making the investment will spare you the hassle of ordering a lemon. There are various trustworthy brands on the market that offer durable and reliable pocket knives at affordable prices: Buck, Case, Columbia River Knife and Spyderco, just to name a few.

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