Skills That Every Prepper Should Know Pt 3
EP: “Welcome to Ethical Preparedness. In this segment of the video series we will be talking about another skill set that every preparedness minded person should know and that is how to defend yourself. Instead of giving a generic explanation of how, knowing how to defend yourself is important to preppers I’m gonna bring up some really good points that most people don’t realize they should be thinking about. So if you want some things to consider that you very may well have never even heard about before regarding self-defense, I really urge you to watch this video.”
“If you haven’t seen any of the other videos in this series, they will be titled Skill Sets That Every Person Should Know Pt 1 or 2.”
“But first, always remember, you are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself and for providing for yourself. Live your life with honor and integrity. And always be the wolf hunter; don’t be the sheep. Nor the wolf.”
“Now, I want to start off with that every use of force, especially deadly use of force, should always be a LAST resort and NOT a convenient option. This means that if you have to use deadly force it is because you believed that you absolutely had to and not just because it was a convenient route to take.”
“Also, only use deadly force against someone to save a life. Not just to take a life. This means that you only use deadly force to keep an innocent person OR yourself from being seriously maimed, raped or killed by a bad guy. And you’re not doing this to exact revenge or to teach someone a lesson.”
“I am a big believer if we have a true SHTF grid down situation or economic collapse or anything like that, that violence and danger will become an everyday part of our lives. As people who failed to prep start to see their children suffering from hunger they’re more likely than not to start to resort to whatever means they have to go through to keep their child or loved one from dying from hunger.”
“Do you know for certain that you could bring yourself to use deadly force against someone trying to harm you or your family? Or do you just imagine that you could? Do you prepare yourself mentally for the possibility of this? Do you train with your weapons? And I mean GOOD training. Shooting and movement type of training. Not just your standard point and shoot at a cardboard target type of training.”
“Have you ever considered how you may react if you do have to shoot someone. Many people react in different ways after they killed someone in self-defense. Some people react in elation. Not because they got to kill someone but because they faced a deadly encounter and they survived to see their family again. Then some people almost immediately become overcome with grief and guilt about what they were forced to do. While some people may never fully, mentally recover from having to kill someone else, some go about their business saying it was either me or him. If you just quickly think that you can just brush off killing another human being and go about your business like nothing happened you really need to stop and do some real soul searching and think about it.”
“You need to prepare that you may have guilt or depression about what you were forced to do. You need to prepare yourself that you may second guess yourself to death wondering if you could have handled the situation differently. You also have to realize that other people will second guess your actions too, adding to you questioning yourself even more. Even if it were a clear cut self-defense situation.”
“The more you learn about the average humans emotional reactions. I’m talking about the emotional reactions that you will have that will take place over the minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks and the months after you’ve been forced to kill someone. The better you learn about these emotional reactions the better you’ll be prepared to deal with those emotions should you find yourself in this situations.”
“You may also want to study more on the human body’s reaction to an actual life or death situation. When you’re forced or put or face a life or death situation. Many people have auditory exclusion. They absolutely do not hear what is going on around them. There have been many a police officer that have been involved in police action shooting that stated after the shooting was over and they told what they remembered of the situation when it happened was that they never even heard the gun shoots when they were firing their gun. The way they realized their gun was actually firing was not because they heard the shots but because they smelled the burned gun powder in the air. So people will think they fired only one or two or three shots and then when they investigation happened and the investigation is over with, the investigation shows they fired their whole magazine when the person only thought they fired their gun a few times. The reality is that people will pull the guns trigger until they went throw the oodleloop and realize the threat has stopped. When somebody is faced with an emanate and deadly threat and they are thinking they are about to die, a person can pull a trigger many times without realizing it because they are focused on saving their butt and they’re focused on the threat.”
“Now I have seen many a keyboard command on the internet talking about how they don’t understand how a cop or somebody else can shoot a bad guy and only hit them once. I don’t think these keyboard commandos truly understand the dynamics behind a deadly force encounter and how fluid and rapidly changing these events are. I don’t think they truly understand a body’s reaction to these situations and how our body goes into fight or flight. They also don’t understand how our eyes will become pin pointed and cause tunnel vision and how our hands naturally want to ball up to become impact weapons. How we have auditory exclusion because our other sense are taking over as our fight or flight reaction begins taking over.”
“I think these keyboard commands are Hollywood educated and they don’t know what reality is. I think they envision the bad guy standing 20 ft away and will be standing still like their card board target does at the range. Then having time to take careful aim and pull their weapon and take careful aim before they fire. I believe that another person can never judge another person’s reaction to a deadly force situation unless they were in those people’s shoes when it happened or unless they had had the same exact situation happen to them in the past. Until they have experienced a deadly encounter they just can’t truly and totally comprehend or appreciate what that person was going through emotionally and physically during a deadly force situation. “
“So the next question is do you practice shooting at moving targets? Targets that are both moving from side to side or coming at you. Do you practice while YOU are moving? You need to train yourself to move so you don’t make yourself such an easy target. At least start moving towards cover. The reality is that a bad guy is not going to be courteous and stand still for you like the cardboard target at the range. He will be moving and trying not to get shoot and probably be coming at you with his weapon.”
“Do you train to give voice commands as you pull your weapon? You want voice commands and movement while you shoot to become motor muscle memory. That you just automatically do it. You know like our mouths automatically open when a fork is near it, you want the same thing to happen with you when you pull your weapon. With voice commands, besides letting the bad guy know you’re not going to be an easy victim and besides letting him know what is in store for him if he doesn’t rethink his actions towards you. Giving loud voice commands may create witnesses. These witnesses may not have actually saw what happened, but having them testify that they heard you yell a command to the bad guy for him to stop or drop his weapon will help solidify your account of what happened. You want the truth of what happened, the truth that you were forced to protect yourself the truth that you weren’t a willing combatant to be known to the world and the use of voice commands is another tool to help you with this.”
“Also, speaking of Hollywood education, people that are educated by Hollywood. Are you prepared that if you shoot someone that more than likely they will NOT immediately fall down dead like they do on TV? Are you aware that handgun rounds are horrible people stoppers and the real fact that there is a chance the bad guy may remain at attacking you until he starts to succumb to his wounds even after you shot him? Are you prepared for the real fact that until the bad guy dies from his wounds that he might ride the ground screaming in pain and agony until he does pass? Or how about if the bad guy runs away after you shot him and now you don’t know if you have a dead bad guy lying dead somewhere around your property or if you just have a wounded and now very angry bad guy out there in the darkness?”
“Think about it. When we shoot a deer that many of times is smaller than an average adult male. We shoot that deer with a large rifle rounds and they usually run a few hundred yards before they succumb to that rifle shot. So now you take a possibly larger man and if you’re forced to shoot him with a much smaller round, how long will he go on with his attack against you or how long will he run before he succumbs to that hand gun round?”
“Also, if you are forced to kill someone in a SHTF situation, there is a good chance it will be at night and it will be a neighbor or neighbor’s kid. Many people don’t understand how darkness and fear plays with your eyes and what you perceive at that moment. A neighbor kid may be stealing from you at night and when you confront him you may believe that you saw something in his hands and shoot him and while it could very well be that he had a gun in his hands, or could be that he had nothing or a tool like a crow bar or a hammer or whatever he used to break into your shed or house or whatever.. And if you shoot someone that had anything less than a gun or a knife in his hands, even if he attacks you with that hammer or crow bar, people will not understand how that tool is able to be used as a weapon and will be calling for your head. If you are forced to shoot a neighbor or his kid, are you prepared to deal with the remaining family member’s? What are the chances they will want vengeance on you? Now if this is a normal life you will get law suits done against you. If it is post SHTF, his family will want to take physical vengeance on you.”
“So if this is post SHTF, will you end up being forced to evacuate your home due to the fact that your vigilance would have to be so high that you know you could not go to sleep without waking up to your throat being slit by the dead kids family member. Also, you and your group should consider how you’ll record any use of forced actions that you take. You always have to remember that things will come back to normal. Or your area could set up a form of government sooner than people realize. If that happens you should consider the fact that this newly formed government might start investigating violent incidences that happen during the WROL time period. Having what happened recorded and the names of witnesses may save your butt should the person you had to kill has a family member that wants to get revenge on you by lying about what happened.”
“Also, do you train with weapons other than just guns? Do you train with edge or impact weapons? Do you carry back up weapons? What if you’re knocked down or pinned down and can’t reach the gun? Do you have a secondary weapon on your body strategically placed so you can reach it if you can’t reach your primary self-defense weapon? Do you practice drawing your weapon on an almost daily basis. You should practice it so much that it becomes motor muscle memory. How quickly can you deploy your fire arm?”
“Anyway folks, if you found this video to be informative please subscribe to this channel as I will be making more videos on these skill sets. I will also be making many more videos on matters that deal with preparedness and self-reliance. Again folks I am not trying to pass myself off as a expert prepper or expert in self-defense, I am just trying to pass on any knowledge that I’ve learned to people that may want it. If you’ve made it this far, thank you very much for watching and have a good night.”
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