
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

42 Experts Share Tips on How to Survive if Lost

Survivors Fortress, Conrad Novak has put together a very well organized article that shares 42 different peoples best 3 tips to know if you are ever lost in the woods and need to survive. He has kindly shared that with us and allowed APN to share it with you.
“Just the thought of being alone in the wilderness gives most people a panic attack. And while it is good to be aware of all the dangers of the wilderness, it is more crucial to think with a clear head so that you can survive any situation, such as getting lost.
Wilderness survival is a lesson that you need to think about and learn before you leave your home. You need to make sure that you think about every scenario that you creep up while you are out in the great wide open.
You need to learn how to get by with just the supplies you have in your survival gear until you reach civilization or a rescue team finds you. It is also paramount to learn about how you can find food and shelter, how to make sure that you drink safe water, how to signal your position for rescuers, and how to ask for help using sound and light.
These are all extremely critical as the human body is not built to live in the wilderness for a long period of time. You will need fire and shelter to keep you warm and protect you from the natural elements and wild animals. The terrific news is that there are wilderness survival tips that you can follow, with or without a survival gear, to make sure that you survive getting lost in the wilderness and come back to civilization safe and sound.
In this article 42 experts give you their best survival tips when you get lost in the outdoors so you can learn what the most important steps are to assess the situation, what you will need to do while waiting being rescued or what course of action to take in case that is not a possibility. Enjoy!”

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