
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

13 Ways to be Prepared for a Nuclear Fallout

The threat of nuclear war has been lingering for several years. From the US to Russia to others around the world, we continually hear how nuclear war can be a reality as tensions seem to rise. While it is unsure if these threats are something to be taken seriously or something just the media is overexaggerating to keep the public’s interest, it is always better to be prepared. This is especially true of those living in areas identified as more like to be subjected to a nuclear attack. Luckily, building a nuclear fallout pack is simple.
FEMA has put together a map that shows the place most likely to be targeted by nuclear war. It includes big cities, smaller essential cities, and military bases. If it is possible, it is always recommended to move to a safer location. If you are within 100 miles of any of these targets, then it is highly recommended that your home is equipped with a basement or bunker of some type, providing shelter for you and your family.
Whether it is possible to have a basement/bunker or not, it is imperative that a nuclear fallout pack is prepared. Many of these items are designed to help you get through the initial impact of nuclear fallout. They should all be kept in the same location and not scattered about and somewhere safe and secure to get to. Make sure you are familiar with each of these items, so you are ready to go when disaster strikes.
1. FAST-ACT Mask
The first thing you should have on you in the event of a nuclear fallout is protecting yourself while you and your family become situated. A mask is an absolute must for this, but not just any mask. The FAST-ACT VapourKlenz Face Mask is designed with the latest neutralization technology to protect against nuisance particulates and chemical odors. They are lightweight and can be stored anywhere. Be sure to keep it handy so you are prepared to put it on in a moment’s notice.

2. A Month’s Supply of Food and Water
It is a given that your fallout pack needs enough food and water to sustain yourself and your family. Canned foods are ideal because they are protected in their tins, last for a long time, and also generally don’t need a source of heat to eat. MREs are another excellent choice, as they are conveniently packed and only need water to help heat up. Make sure there is enough water for everyone for 30 days and that it is, of course, drinkable. Put your water in a secure airtight container, so that it doesn’t become exposed to possible radiation.
3. Tools
Some basic tools are needed to help you get through, like a can opener. If there is space, pack a spare just in case that one breaks. You should always have a knife as well to help open things. A multi-tool is a great piece of kit to have and should have everything you need on it, like a small knife, can opener, screw, and some even have forks and spoons attached.
4. FAST-ACT Powder Bottle Pack
If there is an area that has been exposed, then decontamination is crucial. FAST-ACT make it easy with the Powder Bottle Pack. Completely safe to use, the FAST-ACT Powder works quickly to reduce both liquid and vapor hazards. It’s easy to use too, by just flipping open the bottle and squeezing it towards the area you wish to decontaminate.

5. FAST-ACT Decon Mitt
In addition to the powder, having a safe mitt to use will also come in handy. The FAST-ACT Decon Mitt will let you handle and wipe away chemical spills safely. For example, if there are items that have been exposed to chemicals, by using the mitt you will help to neutralize the item, rendering it safer to use.

6. Hazmat Suit
A hazmat suit may seem over the top to some people, but if you can get one, then it comes highly useful in a nuclear situation. If you do decide to invest in one, make sure it has radiation protection. Hazmat suits are designed to protect yourself from a nuclear fallout, helping to shield every part of your body. These may be more expensive, but other suits usually only protect against chemical exposure and fumes.
7. Sources of Heat
If you live in a colder area, you must have a heat source to help stay warm. It is crucial that an appropriate heat source is packed away as part of your nuclear fallout kit ahead of time. Also have plenty of blankets and warm, dry socks to help everyone stay warm.
8. First Aid Kit
You should always have a first aid kit handy in case of an emergency, but keeping a well-stocked one with your nuclear fallout pack is essential. Slips, trips, and falls are easy, especially if there is a blackout. Protect any wounds with sterilized bandages, antiseptic cream, and OTC medicines.
9. Emergency Lights
Speaking of blackouts, having a set of emergency lights will help you see what you are doing and aid in this kind of predicament. Battery-operated lights are ideal in these situations, but make sure you have plenty of batteries and don’t use the light when it is not needed.
10. Extra Clothing
Not only do you want extra clothes because you don’t want to be sitting in the same things day in and day out, but you also need to change anytime you come in contact with an exposed area. If you venture outside for whatever reason (although don’t, if you can avoid it), you will need to change your clothes before coming back into your shelter, so nothing is exposed to the radiation.
11. Radiation Detector
If you do need to go outside, then radiation levels should ideally be below 20rem. To ensure this, purchase a radiation detector for your safety.
12. Sanitation Products
Being stuck in one area can make for a hazardous environment itself if the area is not cleaned and sanitized properly. Extra trash bags are recommended for bowel movements and buckets of urine that is adequately sanitized regularly. Use sawdust to help with smells and clean up. Have disinfectant wipes and plenty of soap on hand too!
13. Activities
While it is important to stay physically safe, it is just as important to keep your mind busy. Have plenty of books, board games, card games, journals, and magazines available.
It is always better to be safe than sorry in the event of nuclear fallout. A nuclear fallout can present extremely hazardous situations and being prepared in case of this type of emergency is critical. Use our suggestions above to help protect you and your family and to help you get through this potentially harsh time safely.

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