
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Monday, February 18, 2013

"MORE" Things You May Want On Your "MUST HAVE" List (16-20)

When tragedy strikes, items that you typically take for granted become essential. If you plan on surviving, you have to know what items are necessities and what you can look past. The items you hoard can mean the difference between surviving another day and having to plunder and steal to live. If you’ve never given this any thought, you need to seriously start considering it. In order to give you a little help, we’ve compiled a list of items you should hoard in an emergency. When a natural disaster occurs, you will be at an advantage if you stockpile the items mentioned below.

16: Chlorine Bleach and Medicine Droppers
You’re going to want to be able to disinfect any cuts or wounds that you incur. Using nine parts water to one part bleach, you can create a household disinfectant. Alternatively, you can actually treat water by using 16 drops of household bleach for each gallon of water. You shouldn’t be using scented or color safe bleaches as this will potentially be dangerous to your health. Also don’t use bleaches that have added cleaners in them. Remember, bleach can be very harmful if not diluted so make sure you know what you are doing when using it.

17: Seasoned Firewood
While you can definitely use unseasoned wood, seasoned wood will be more valuable when you want to barter as it’s more popular among hoarders. You can typically get seasoned wood for around $100 per cord. Plain wood can take up to a year to get dry enough. Keep in mind that with wood, you’ll need a lot of it in order to use for cooking and heating. If you have access to other fire starters such as propane, kerosene, or Isopropyl alcohol, they would be better options. But wood is definitely another option you have.

18: Honey, Syrup, And Sugar (Brown and White)
When it comes to adding flavor or sweetening things up, honey is going to be your best option. It has an extremely long shelf life a better glycemic effect than sugar. It’s a natural sweetener and it can be used as an antiseptic as well. Sugar is another sweetener you can use as well. Try to store your sugar in 5 gallon buckets. Sugar will also make another great bartering item as well.

19: Coconut Oil
Oil in general should be in your stock of hoarded items. However, coconut oil in particular is probably one of the best options. You can use oil for cooking, performing maintenance (lubricating), and even for skin care. Oils have essential vitamins and nutrients so they will be very beneficial for your health. One advantage you’ll get with expeller pressed coconut oil is that it has a longer shelf life than your average oil. If you’re not a fan of the taste of coconut, you’ll be happy to know that it doesn’t even taste like coconut with your food!

20: Electric Generator
Keeping an external source of electricity will be very beneficial for you. In a natural disaster or other emergency situation, there is a good chance that you will lose electricity. Having a good electric generator will come in handy. One thing that you will have to be cautious of is storing it properly. There are contraptions made specifically for storing electric generators because they have to be kept in certain temperatures. Also, make sure you’re not overusing your generator because this is a very valuable asset that you should use wisely. 

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