
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"MORE" Things You May Want On Your "MUST HAVE" List (21-25)

When tragedy strikes, items that you typically take for granted become essential. If you plan on surviving, you have to know what items are necessities and what you can look past. The items you hoard can mean the difference between surviving another day and having to plunder and steal to live. If you’ve never given this any thought, you need to seriously start considering it. In order to give you a little help, we’ve compiled a list of items you should hoard in an emergency. When a natural disaster occurs, you will be at an advantage if you stockpile the items mentioned below.

21: Electric Cooker
If you don’t want to eat cold canned foods every day, then a cooker will definitely come in handy. You can run it with the electricity generated by your generator or with multi-fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, or white gas. It is a much faster way to cook than trying to start a handmade fire and will allow you to have some decent meals even if you don’t have the modern conveniences of a stovetop oven.

22: Batteries
Earlier, we listed a battery operated radio as an essential item. There are other battery operated items that will come in handy so you’ll want to stock up on as many batteries as possible. Try to get as many battery sizes as possible and if you can get rechargeable batteries that will be even better. Get a solar powered battery charger to be able to get the most out of your batteries. When buying batteries, try and make sure you’re getting the newest ones by looking at the expiration date.

23: Pest and Insect Repellent
If you’re stranded as a result of a natural disaster or other event, you may be forced with dealing with tons of bugs and insects. You want to keep as many of them away as possible. Not only are bugs a nuisance, but they also carry diseases that you want to avoid. They will be all over so having a good bug spray available will help keep them away. Also consider keeping traps that are often used in gardening as well. This will all come in handy when it comes to keeping the bugs away.

24: Proper Footwear
Having comfortable footwear is essential for survival. A good pair of hiking boots and comfortable sneakers are going to help you out a lot. You will be doing a lot of moving around and walking because driving won’t be an option. You’re not going to make it very far in that pair of loafers or high heels so you want shoes that are made for walking and standing for extended periods of times. Also you want footwear that is durable and will last for a long time.

25: Hiking Backpack
When it comes to surviving an emergency situation, your laptop backpack won’t suffice. You need a full fledge hiking backpack that can hold several different survival items. Your survival bag will house your water, first aid kit, tools, and anything else that you need to survive. You need to be able to pick it up and get on the move quickly. Keep the most important items in here that you won’t be able to live without.  

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