
This blog is to help you in preparing for an emergency. It also contains other information that you might find spiritually up-lifting. This is not an official website of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". This site is maintained by Barry McCann (barry@mail.com)

Monday, February 11, 2013

"MORE" Things You May Want On Your "MUST HAVE" List (6-10)

When tragedy strikes, items that you typically take for granted become essential. If you plan on surviving, you have to know what items are necessities and what you can look past. The items you hoard can mean the difference between surviving another day and having to plunder and steal to live. If you’ve never given this any thought, you need to seriously start considering it. In order to give you a little help, we’ve compiled a list of items you should hoard in an emergency. When a natural disaster occurs, you will be at an advantage if you stockpile the items mentioned below.

6: Duct Tape
Even when there isn’t an emergency situation, some people rely on duct tape to fix everything. It’s a very common item amongst military members who often need to fix things on the go or seal things up. Duct tape is very versatile in that respect. If something tears and needs to be sealed back up, you can use duct tape to at least temporarily mend the seam. Since duct tape is strong, it’s great to use to fix items that break. It may not be a permanent fix, but it should be good enough to hold you over for a little while. You want to have a decent amount of duct tape. Even if you don’t need to use it, it will make a great bartering item because when people are seeking duct tape, it’s usually for an emergency. This will give you an advantage in trades.

7: Fire Starter Kit
As mentioned earlier, you will absolutely need to be able to start a fire in an emergency situation. In almost any survival movie or survival guide, starting a fire is a crucial aspect. This is because you will use fire for light, heat, for defense, to cook, and more. If you cannot start a fire, you likely won’t last survive very long. The mistake that some people make is waiting until they need a fire to learn how to start one. If you don’t know how to start a fire, make sure you stock your fire starter kit with things such as matches, lighters, cotton swabs, and some other type of kindling. Keep as much as possible because there’s no telling how long it will be until you have access to a source of fire.

8: Binoculars
Think of how big of an advantage you will be at if you’re able to spot potential threats before they get within a couple feet of you. This is why binoculars are essential. You absolutely need some binoculars in your arsenal if you want to have some sort of defense. Emergency situations can make people do things do things they otherwise wouldn’t. While not all people have bad intentions, there are definitely some that do. You need to be able plan ahead before they get close to you. For instance, one person walking in your direction unarmed might not be a threat. But a couple of men walking towards your with guns is an entirely different situation. You don’t want to wait until they’re 10 feet away to make a move. Binoculars will allow you to have ample time to plan your next move wisely. Use them!

9: Thermal Blanket
Even in areas with fairly decent weather, nighttime with no heater can get pretty cold. You may think that you can withstand some cold, but the fact is your body needs to stay above a certain body temperature to prevent diseases and other sicknesses. If you live in an area that is naturally cold or has unpredictable weather, thermal blankets should be at the top of your “must have items” list. A nice thermal blanket combined with a warm fire will help you keep your body temperature up and survive those cold nights.

10: Multi-Vitamins
You should be taking multi-vitamins in your life regularly for your health. But when you’re in an emergency situation, you absolutely need to have some available. Because of the nutritional value of the fresh fruits and vegetables that we are able to consume throughout the day, some people are able to get at least the minimal amount of nutrition necessary. However, when you’re in an emergency and you’re surviving on whatever you can find for food, nutrition typically goes out the window. Your diet may consist of Twinkies and junk food. So multi-vitamins will help you get some vitamins in your diet that you need to avoid diseases and getting sick. You should aim to have at least a year’s supply of vitamins in stock. Thankfully vitamins have a long shelf life so they will last fairly long.

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